22 Events for International Students: Sept. 10-30

by Jessica Stahl - Posts (411). Posted Monday, September 10th, 2012 at 9:52 am

We’ll be back in October with a whole new set of bloggers ready to share their experiences and advice for studying in the US!  Don’t forget, if you want to be one of those writers, we encourage you to apply by sending your resume and a writing sample to jstahl [at] voanews [dot] com (more information available here).

Until we return, keep yourself busy with this treasure trove of online events, webinars and virtual fairs coming up in the next few weeks.  Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom – there are lots of events in here of interest to all different types of students.

Week of Sept. 9-15

September 10

EducationUSA: Early Career MBA Programs
12pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.educationusa.info/edusa_connects/ 

September 11

EducationUSA: Choosing the Right Undergraduate Program
12pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.educationusa.info/edusa_connects/ 

September 12

EducationUSA: Choosing the Right Undergraduate Program
10am US eastern time
More details: http://www.educationusa.info/edusa_connects/ 

Kaplan: Dos and Don’ts of Law School Admissions
8pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kaptest.com/enroll/LSAT/20008/events
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Want to Write for the Student Union?

by Jessica Stahl - Posts (411). Posted Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 at 12:35 pm

We’re recruiting writers for the 2012-2013 school year!  If you are currently an international student studying in the U.S., or will be coming to the U.S. as an international student during the school year, you’re eligible.  The application information is below.

But don’t forget, even if you don’t want to be one of our regular bloggers, we welcome guest posts from anyone who has a story to share about studying in the U.S., whether it’s your visa interview experience, your TOEFL study plan, memories from an exchange program, or whatever!  Take a look at all our previous guest posts, and submit your own guest posts or ideas using this link.

Want to be a writer for the Student Union’s 2012-2013 season?

We are seeking talented and creative writers to contribute to the Student Union blog about international student life in the U.S.

As a regular blogger, you will share your experiences, challenges, triumphs and lessons learned with other current and prospective international students. You will have a lot of freedom to write about what is important or interesting to you, and will have an opportunity to help shape the blog’s direction and to experiment with multimedia journalism and innovative forms of storytelling.

You will also come away with a portfolio of professional writing, and we will work with you throughout your internship to help perfect your writing and storytelling skills.

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What to Wear on Your First Day at a US College

by Jessica Stahl - Posts (411). Posted Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 at 9:35 am

Students wearing Columbia University sweatshirts. Creative Commons photo by Flickr user airsoenxen
Students wearing Columbia University sweatshirts (Photo: Flickr user airsoexen)

Starting your first year at a U.S. school and wondering what to wear to fit in with your classmates? Just curious about the fashion at U.S. universities? Thanks to the voyeuristic power of social media, we get to take a look at the first day outfits of students from all across the country. Check out the rest of the post for a look at fashion choices ranging from athletic shorts to sundresses for girls, and jean shorts to bow ties for the boys!

If you’re starting school in the U.S. this year, we want to see what you wore on your first day! Send your photo to jstahl@voanews.com or post it on our Facebook page. We’ll post the best in an album on Facebook, and maybe even do a follow up post on the blog!
Read the rest of this entry »

The Student Union is…

A place to hear stories about studying in the U.S. Our bloggers have come from all over the world to U.S. universities, and they'll be sharing their experiences, advice and more.

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Share your own story!
Tell us about your experiences applying to the US, studying in America, or doing an exchange, and we may include it on the blog.



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