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CRDP produces publications related to diverse communities and resources for the preservation field. These publications are available in print as well as electronically. Most of the publications are available to the public, free of charge. For copies of CRDP publications, contact CRDP via email or mail at: Cultural Resources Diversity Program, Office of Diversity and Special Projects, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW (2280), Washington, DC, 20240, phone: 202/354-2276.

In addition, CRDP has compiled bibliographic lists on topics related to heritage preservation/cultural resource stewardship. Links to these lists are provided below.

Link to February 2008 Heritage MattersHeritage Matters, News of the Nation's Diverse Cultural Heritage, provides historic preservation/cultural resources information on diverse communities and diverse cultural heritage, and preservation efforts in state and local governments and Federal agencies. The newsletter is published twice a year and distributed free of charge. View the most recent issue, Heritage Matters, September 2008. View past issues of Heritage Matters.

Guidance to Authors Submitting Digital Images

CRM Journal Winter 2005 coverCRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship is a scholarly journal for the preservation community. CRM Journal carries articles, reports, and reviews of books, exhibits, websites, and other media related to the preservation field and of concern to diverse communities and resources in particular. Past issues are also available in PDF format.

Asian Reflections Cover Asian Reflections on the American Landscape: Identifying and Interpreting Asian Heritage examines Asian cultural heritage found in the American built environment and its interpretation within NPS cultural resources programs. The publication is available in print and in PDF format.



African Reflections on the American Landscape: Identifying and Interpreting Africanisms examines African cultural heritage found in the built environment and its interpretation within the NPS cultural resources programs. It is available in PDF format and in print.



"Presenting Race and Slavery at Historic Sites" has completed surveys of visitors and staff at two historic places. The research project analyzes the presentation of race and slavery at three major National Park Service historic sites: Arlington House/Robert E. Lee National Memorial, Manassas National Battlefield Park, and Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. Reports on the results of surveys at Arlington House/Robert E. Lee National Memorial and Manassas National Battlefield Park are available in PDF format:
Arlington House Visitor and Staff Survey Report
Manassas Visitor and Staff Survey Report

The Cultural Heritage Needs Assessment: Phase 1, was developed to gain a better understanding of what aspects of cultural heritage are important to diverse cultural groups and what the Federal Government's cultural programs could do to better address these aspects of heritage. The draft report is available in PDF format.

Places of Cultural Memory Conference Proceedings, contains the papers presented at the "Places of Cultural Memory: African Reflections on the American Landscape" conference in Atlanta, May 9-12, 2001. It is available in PDF format and in print.


Keepers of the Treasures, Protecting Historic Properties and Cultural Traditions on Indian Lands examines the funding needs for the management, interpretation, protection, and development of places of cultural significance on Indian lands and other native cultural heritage. Presently out of print, the document is available in PDF format.

CRM, Cultural Resource Management magazine provides information for parks, federal agencies, Indian tribes, states, local governments, and the private sector that promotes and maintains high standards for preserving and managing cultural resources. View past issues that deal with diversity in cultural resources management.




Reading Lists - View our selection of recommended publications dedicated to a variety of cultural resources topics. They are available in four sections:

Keepers of th TreasuresDiversity Reading List addresses diversity topics in historic preservation and cultural resources stewardship.




Artifact from ManassasAfricanisms Reading List assists with understanding African influences on the Americas.



Shrimp Junk on SF BayAsian American Heritage Reading List acknowledges bibliographic resources related to Asian American heritage.




With Heritage So Rich coverBasic Historic Preservation Reading List provides an introduction to the field.




