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U.S. Army South, Colombian army conducting PANAMAX exercise with 17 partner nations in San Antonio

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U.S. Army South, Colombian army conducting PANAMAX exercise with 17 partner nations in San Antonio

U.S. Army South, Colombian army conducting PANAMAX exercise with 17 partner nations in San Antonio


FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, August 10, 2012 – U.S. Army South along with armed and security forces from 17 nations are participating in the annual U.S. Southern Command sponsored Fuerzas Aliadas PANAMAX exercise, which is taking place simultaneously here in San Antonio, Miami, Fla., Suffolk, Va., and in Panama Aug. 6-17.

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Panamá Canal, Colombian Army, Army South, Brazilian Army, U.S. Army South, U.S. Army, U.S. Southern Command, Fort Sam Houston, ARSOUTH, USARSO, SOUTHCOM, PANAMAX, Joint Base San Antonio, news release, media advisory