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Resources for Small Entities

The DOT's Regulatory Information Web site

We encourage small entities to review a variety of resources provided on this Web site to help you obtain information about DOT rulemakings.  We also try to ensure that our documents are drafted in plain language and make guidance available on the Internet. To see suggested plain language resources, click here.  As resources permit, links will be created between Internet sites containing agency statutes, regulations, and guidance/interpretations, to make it easier for small entities to understand how to comply with our rules.

Small Business Administration Chief Counsel for Advocacy

The SBA's Chief Counsel for Advocacy provides helpful information and advice to agencies as they are considering and developing regulatory proposals.  That office also has issued guidance on how to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis under the Regulatory Flexibility Act; we use the analysis to consider the impact of proposed and final rules on small entities.  To determine whether an entity is "small," agencies rely on size standards issued by SBA.

Small Business and Agricultural Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman

Small businesses concerned with the way agencies conduct on-site inspections, compliance assistance, or other enforcement related communications or contacts may submit those comments to the Ombudsman at

Updated: Tuesday, September 25, 2012