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Barry Krissoff

Senior Agricultural Economist

Barry Krissoff is Deputy Director for Research and Planning for ERS’s Market and Trade Economics Division. His research has focused on the economics of international trade and trade policy, technical barriers to trade, food labeling and traceability, with particular interest in specialty crops.

Before assuming his current position, Barry served as Chief of Specialty Crops Branch and senior economist at ERS. Prior to his tenure at ERS, Barry was an Assistant Professor at Western Michigan University and an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Barry received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Virginia. He holds a Masters Degree in economics from Hunter College, City of New York and an undergraduate degree from Herbert Lehman College, City of New York.

Professional Affiliations:
Barry is an active member of the American Association of Agricultural Economists and a member of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium.

Selected Publications:
Carter, Colin, Barry Krissoff, Alix Peterson Zwane. “Can County-of-Origin Labeling Succeed as a Marketing Tool for Produce? Lessons from Three Case Studies.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006.

Deodhar, Satish, Maurice Landes, and Barry Krissoff. Prospects for India’s Emerging Apple Market. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, WRS-06-01, January 2006.

Calvin, Linda and Barry Krissoff. Resolution of the U.S.-Japanese Apple Dispute: New Opportunities for Trade. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, FTS-318-01, October 2005.

Donovan, Jason and Barry Krissoff. An Analysis of the U.S. Orange Juice Industry. In Burfisher, Mary et al., Perspectives on U.S. Agriculture and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, AER 827, April 2004.

Golan, Elise, Barry Krissoff, Fred Kuchler, Kenneth Nelson, and Gregory Price. Traceability in the U.S. Food Supply: Economic Theory and Industry Studies. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, AER 830, March 2004.

Krissoff, Barry, Mary Bohman, and Julie A. Caswell, eds. Global Food Trade and Consumer Demand for Quality. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002.

Calvin, Linda and Barry Krissoff. "Technical Barriers to Trade: A Case Study of Phytosanitary Barriers and U.S.-Japanese Apple Trade." Journal of Agricultural Resource Economics, December 1998. Reprinted in The WTO and Technical Barriers to Trade, edited by Spencer Hensen (University of Guelph) and John S. Wilson (World Bank), an Elgar Reference Collection, 2005.

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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