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AGA serves government accountability professionals by providing quality education, fostering professional development and certification, and supporting standards and research to advance government accountability.

Tracking the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Top News

Today on the AGA Blog: Time to Take Another Look: Reviewing the Strategic Management Efforts in Metro NashvilleRebekka Stevens, planning and performance coordinator, Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County. Read more.

Kennedy Dead at 77; Liberal Lion of the Senate Succumbs to Brain Cancer —Martin F. Nolan, The Boston Globe. Read more.
Poll: 86 Percent Say Insurance, Public or Private, Should be Available to All —Alison Sherry, The Denver Post. Read more.

Register Now for An AGA Audio Conference!
Sept. 2 - Grants Management in Today’s Environment
Oct. 7 - Internal Controls for Auditors, Management and Staff—Making Government Organizations More Effective
View the 2009-2010 Audio Conference Schedule.

NEW! Grant Announcement —Public Financial Publications (PFP), the publisher of Public Budgeting & Finance, is pleased to announce a program of financial support for new, strong academic research in the federal budget and the federal budget process.  Unprecedented challenges face the federal government in the next several years as it confronts extraordinary fiscal challenges.  In that environment, it is important that academic and practitioner researchers devote renewed attention to the decision making, execution, and control systems of federal finance. Proposals must be submitted by Nov. 1, 2009. Learn more.

AGA's FMSB Issues Comment Letter to GASBAGA's Financial Management Standards Board (FMSB) sent a comment letter to the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in response to an invitation to comment on Pension Accounting and Financial Reporting. Read more.

Submit Proposals for DoD's 'Challenge Fund' Initiative—The Challenge Fund is an initiative designed to encourage professional development opportunities within the financial management community. The initiative invites financial management staff throughout the U.S. Department of Defense to submit proposals for innovative training and professional development initiatives. Proposals will be accepted online from July 31-Oct. 31. Learn more. Questions?

AGA Publishes Its 2009 Member Centric Report AGA is proud to distribute its 2009 Citizen-Centric Report to our Members. We hope you find this succinct, four-page report on the progress of our Association over the past year to be informative. It remains a work in progress, and we invite your feedback so our future reports will be even more useful to our members and other stakeholders. AGA is promoting the use of similar four-page Citizen-Centric Reports by entities at all levels of government. View the report.

AGA Issues Comprehensive Education Catalog
Looking for information about CPE? Want to bring onsite training to your staff? Thinking about attending an AGA national conference this year? Ready to take advantage of online CPE offerings? You've come to the right place! AGA's New Education Catalog summarizes our wide range of CPE offerings in one, easy-to-read publication. Download your copy! Contact Bekka Gerhmann with questions or to receive printed copies of the catalog.


Current News

NEW! View AGA's Upcoming Internal Control & Fraud Conference Speaker/Session Line-Up — Learn from government leaders about late-breaking American Reinvestment and Recovery Act tactics and discussions. Learn more.

A FREE ARRA Dialogue Seminar - Sept. 1, Boston, MA AGA is hosting a unique opportunity to hear selected federal and state government officials discuss various implementation issues surrounding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. All attendees will receive lunch and be awarded 4 CPE hours at the conclusion of the session.
Sept. 1, Boston, MA

NEW! Registration Now Open for 2009-2010 AGA Government Finance Case ChallengeThe best undergraduate accounting/financial management/business students are invited to compete in the third annual case challenge, sponsored by AGA. Teams will construct a citizen-centric report for a fictional city. Finalists will receive a scholarship to attend the National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. in Feb. 2010. Learn more | Register now!

2009 Professional Development Conference a Success! Many thanks for your attendance and support of the PDC conference. We hope that you enjoyed the sessions, speakers and networking in the always-lively city of New Orleans, LA. View AGA's blog to catch-up on the daily summaries. We look forward to seeing you in Orlando, FL - July 11-14, 2010. Visit the site.
- PDC Evaluation Survey - Attendees
- PDC Evaluation Survey - Exhibitors/Sponsors

AGA Research Report: Trends in Technology - The technology world changes fast. The 2007 AGA Trends in Technology review explored how technology led to a connected world of people, processes and things. This 2009 review of Trends in Technology expands on this theme, looking at how connectivity and technological advances lead to further disruptions that will impact governments, businesses and individuals. This report focuses on the five most pervasive of the seven digital disruptions mentioned previously: Platform Makeover, Social Power, Information Transparency, Living in a New Reality and Smarter World. Read the report.

Searching for a New Credit Card?
Apply now for the new MBNA AGA
Platinum Plus MasterCard Credit Card.
Click here to learn more.

Attention Government Employers! AGA’s NEW Group Membership Can Lead to Significant Cost Savings on Your Staff’s Training and Development! Click here to learn more.



Association of Government Accountants   2208 Mount Vernon Avenue   Alexandria, VA 22301   PH 703.684.6931   TF 800.AGA.7211   FX 703.548.9367