Welcome to the Independent Living Movement

In 2012, NCIL celebrated our 30th Anniversary. Over the past three decades, we have grown from a handful of advocates and the Centers they represent into a force of thousands of people with disabilities from Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs) in every state and territory of the U.S.

We welcome all people who believe in equality to join the movement to win civil rights and real independence for people with disabilities throughout the world. Use this website to join NCIL and explore all things Independent Living, including current news, training and events nationwide, and NCIL’s extensive national legislative and policy positions.

National Policy

Advocacy Monitor LogoNCIL is proud to offer a national policy platform that advocates for the human and civil rights of all individuals. NCIL members directly determine our public policy priorities through regular survey, and by serving on our legislative and advocacy subcommittees. Read about NCIL’s current policy positions and access official position papers by using the Advocacy Monitor.

Featured News

Hot Off the Press: NCIL 2012 Annual Report

2012 was a challenging year for the Independent Living community and our nation. Direct threats to our civil rights came in rapid succession and quickly gained momentum in state and federal administrations and legislatures.

NCIL members mobilized to defeat attacks on Olmstead, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

When bureaucrats tried to toss aside our right to live in the community; when lobbyists tried to convince Congress to weaken accessibility standards; when Congress threatened to slash Medicaid, the safety net that allows many of our brothers and sisters to breathe the free air of independence, we stood united as one people and sent a clear message: not on our watch[Read more...]

Member Spotlight

Arizona Bridge to Independent Living (ABIL) advocates personal responsibility – by, and for, people with disabilities – as a means to independence.

ABIL staff at the Disability Empowerment Center Grand Opening

ABIL has been a NCIL member since 1983, and its President & CEO, Phil Pangrazio, serves as Chair of NCIL’s Finance Committee. “Our CIL’s membership in the National Council on Independent Living offers us the opportunity to participate in the Independent Living Movement nationally. NCIL membership is a critical complement to our efforts at the state and local level and ensures that the work we do to help consumers achieve self-sufficiency is reinforced in American policy and legislation,” says Pangrazio.

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