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22/08/2011 at 8:22 | 0 comments
I spent much of last night working on what appears to be the endgame of the Libyan campaign. By the morning of 22 August, it appeared that the end was in sight for the Kaddaffy regime, although events are moving fast and nothing is ever sure until it actually occurs.

15/08/2011 at 15:53 | 1 comments
Today I gave the convocation speech afor the class of 2012 at the National Defense University. NDU is the premier center for Joint Professional Military Education with its main campus on Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.

08/08/2011 at 16:33 | 0 comments
Libya and Afghanistan seem to get all the headlines about NATO these days. But lately, I've been thinking and working on the Balkans. We need to make sure that the Balkan ghosts of violence from the 1990s don't reappear.

01/08/2011 | 0 comments
Today, on August 1, our Muslim friends and colleagues around the world will begin observing the month of Ramadan, a special month in the Islamic calendar.