Health and Public Safety

Through its homeland security oversight, the Committee has paid special attention to the health and safety of the American public in natural disasters and terrorist attacks. The Committee also has monitored - through its oversight of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Office of Infromation and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), contained within OMB - the proposal, development, and implementation of regulations that affect the public's health, safety, and general welfare. 

The Committee held a series of hearings on the nation's preparedness for a WMD attack, including a biological attack, and another series on the H1N1 virus and the federal government's failure to produce enough vaccines in time. The Committee investigated at length the lead up to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the desperate conditions the hurricane wrought for the citizens of the Gulf Coast. 

The Committee has also advocated for better medical treatment for wounded warriors and for better protection of the public and government workers in 9,000 federal buildings around the country.