USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey - Core Science Analytics and Synthesis - Biocomplexity Thesaurus

Web Service
A Web Service for the Biocomplexity Thesaurus
The Biocomplexity Thesaurus also is available via a Web service (SOAP) interface. A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network [W3C]. Web services allow software and services from different companies and locations to be combined easily to provide an integrated service. The Biocomplexity Thesaurus Web service provides the capability for direct use of the thesaurus within a user's own applications, rather than requiring the user to come to the CSAS's Biocomplexity Thesaurus site for each individual use of our Thesaurus.

Using the Biodiversity Thesaurus Web Service, your application can query the thesaurus for matching terms, retrieve all related terms, or retrieve only terms related in specific ways (e.g. broader terms only). Available function calls are detailed in the JavaDoc.

Demo Client:

Demo 1: CSAS Thesaurus Web service client demo - Using SKOS

Demo 2: CSAS/EIONET Multilingual Thesaurus Web service client demo - Using SKOS

Developer resources:


JSP sample client source code for Demo 1
(This jsp uses java objects that are generated by WSDL2Java utility.)

JSP sample client source code for Demo 2
(This jsp uses java objects that are generated by WSDL2Java utility.)

Customized SKOS JavaDoc

The SKOS Core API has been added with a convenience method getConceptResultsByKeyword which takes a search word as a parameter. This method has been added to speed up search results that are returned from the web service. It returns a list of ConceptReults object which is an encapsultaion of a concept and it's associated concepts (eg. broader, narrower, etc..).

Download client stub files

W3C SKOS Project

AXIS Project

For questions or more information, contact Giri Palanisamy at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.