BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Publication Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearm Sales, 1997

December 1, 1998    NCJ 173942

Provides an overview of the firearm check procedures and practices in effect as of the end of 1997. The scope of the individual State summaries has been expanded to provided information not included in the Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearm Sales, 1996. It is a continuation of ongoing data collection efforts that focus on the number of applications received, the number rejected, the reason(s) for the rejection, and other processing information associated with each application to purchase a firearm. This is the third report to be published from the BJS Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) project, which is part of the BJS National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP). The project is being conducted by the Regional Justice Information Service (REJIS) of St. Louis, Missouri. The purpose of the project is to develop statistics that describe the implementation of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Act), or, in the case of Brady Alternative States, under those States' own legislation.

Part of the Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearm Sales Series

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Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearm Sales

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