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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Retirement Information & Services

Applying for Retirement

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about applying for retirement.

How can I apply for retirement?

To qualify for payments from the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), you must submit a retirement application. They are available on our website, as follows:

You should submit an application for immediate retirement as shown below.

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Where should I apply?

If you are still working, submit it to your employer.

If you have been separated from federal service for more than 30 days, submit your application to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

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Who can receive an annuity?

If you meet the eligibility requirements for a retirement benefit, you are eligible to receive an annuity based on your length of service and your high-3 average salary. The information in your application is used to determine if you are applying for a disability option, a regular or early-out option, or a discontinued service annuity. It is also used to check the service listed on your payroll records.

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Who processes my application?

Both the personnel and payroll office in your agency and OPM are responsible for processing your annuity claim.

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Can I speed up my processing time?

You can help reduce delays in processing by submitting your application in advance and by making sure your Official Personnel Folder (OPF) is complete. If you submit your paperwork early, your personnel and payroll offices will be able to complete their action before your retirement date.

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How does my personnel office process my application?

Your personnel office must take the following actions to process your retirement application:

  • Complete the "Agency Check List of Immediate Retirement Procedures," Standard Form 2801, Schedule D (CSRS) or 3701, Schedule D (FERS);

  • Prepare and obtain your signature on the "Certified Summary of Federal Service," Standard Form 2801-1 (CSRS) or 3701-1 (FERS);

  • Verify any service not fully documented in your OPF; [Note:If documentation is missing, verification may be obtained by contacting federal record centers. If the personnel office is unable to obtain verification, we will complete verification upon receipt of your retirement application and records. This process will cause a delay in processing of your claim.]

  • Certify and transfer your coverage under the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program to OPM;

  • Transfer your enrollment under the Federal Employees' Health Benefits (FEHB) program to OPM;

  • Prepare Standard Form (SF) 50, "Notification of Personnel Action."; and

  • Send all of your retirement materials to your payroll office.

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What happens after my personnel office processes my application?

After your personnel agency takes action, your agency payroll office:

  • Authorizes your final pay check and lump sum payment for unused annual leave;

  • Prepares your "Individual Retirement Record," Standard Form 2806 (CSRS) or 3100 (FERS) which reflects service, salary history, and annual retirement contributions; and

  • Forwards all retirement documents to OPM.

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How do I know my claim was processed?

When we receive your retirement application, we will notify you and will provide a civil service claim identification number (a seven-digit number preceded by "CSA"). You must use that identification number whenever you contact OPM about your annuity.

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Who should I call if I have any questions about my claim number?

If you need to contact us before you receive your claim number, first contact your former payroll office to find the date your records were transferred to OPM. Your payroll office should provide you with the number and date of the Register of Separations and Transfers. You will also need your Payroll Identification Number.

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When will I get my first payment?

In most cases, as soon as we get all of your retirement records, we provide interim payments.  These payments represent a portion of your final benefit and are usually made on the first business day of each month.  We try to provide you with income until we finish processing your application.

Are any deductions withheld from my "interim payments"?

We only withhold Federal income tax.  You may find that the Federal income taxes withheld from your first interim payment will be higher than the Federal tax withholdings from your subsequent interim payments and regular annuity.  We will make any necessary tax withholding adjustment when we finish processing your application.  Your health and life insurance coverage will continue while you are receiving interim pay.  We will begin withholding health and life insurance premiums retroactive to the commencing date of your annuity, when we finish processing your application.

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How does the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) process my claim?

OPM takes the following steps to process your claim for retirement benefits.

  • Obtains missing information from your retirement documents;
  • Determines your eligibility for an annuity and continued health and life insurance coverages;
  • Computes the amount of your annuity;
  • Sends you materials concerning:
  • Authorizes your annuity payment by the Department of the Treasury; and
  • Sends you an annuity statement.
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How long does it take to process my application?

As of February 2012, our average processing time is 5 months from the date we receive your final paperwork from your human resources and payroll offices. Of the current pending claims workload, 47 percent are less than 2 months old and 25 percent are older than 6 months.

If we need additional information from you or your former employing agency, your claim will take longer to process. Additional time will also be needed if we need to contact you to make a benefit election, such as a decision to make a service credit deposit, or if we need to contact an external agency, such as SSA for an offset calculation.

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Why does it take so long to process my retirement claim?

We are very much aware of the increasing processing times retirees and potential retirees have been experiencing. Individuals applying for retirement are dedicated Federal employees who have devoted their careers to serving the citizens of this country, and as such, they deserve treatment commensurate with their service.

The present situation is the result of the confluence of a number of factors. This includes the attempt to utilize an "off-the-shelf" private sector processing system, which ultimately was not successful. We tried to redesign all aspects of retirement processing simultaneously and anticipated that increased automation was the long-term solution. Accordingly, we assumed lower staffing levels would be required. As staff levels were reduced, the volume and complexity of retirement casework increased.

Our paramount goal is to improve the overall claims adjudication process. There is no simple or easy solution that is capable of instantly remedying the problem, but we are doing everything in our power to improve service to our annuitants as rapidly as possible within the constraint of available resources. We have begun several initiatives to not only speed up claims review but to streamline other attendant retirement procedures.

We hired 40 legal administrative specialists to assist with the current backlog and future workload. These new specialists will start employment in February.

We have also authorized additional overtime across the claims processing groups and will continue to approve overtime thru fiscal year 2011. Overtime is also being offered to former claims examiners to help tackle the backlog.

To assist the retiree's immediate financial needs, OPM established an interim pay process to provide new retirees with income while their retirement benefits are adjudicated. Retirees receive their first interim payment in 5-7 business days from the date the agency's electronic file or paper records are received by OPM.

OPM uses the information provided by the agencies (at the time the retirement application is submitted) to determine the amount of interim pay. In calculating the amount of the interim payment from the data provided by the agency, OPM

  • Determines the years and months of creditable Federal service
  • Uses the retiree's final salary
  • Accounts for any survivor election
  • Applies a reduction for age if appropriate
  • Reduces the amount of interim payment to cover premiums for any insurance elections.

Our goal is to provide the annuitant with as much of their expected NET monthly payment, less Federal income tax withholding. The NET payment amount is the amount of the annuity payment after deducting premiums for health benefits and life insurance from the gross rate. Some retirees receive less than our goal due to a variety of factors. Some of the conditions that could cause the annuitant to receive less than the agency's NET estimate are: a FERS annuity supplement, unpaid service credit deposits, redeposits or military deposits, a court order on file at OPM, or the retiree is entitled to a special computation as a Law Enforcement Officer, Fire Fighter, Air Traffic Controller or other special retirement group.

In December, we increased all Department of Defense civilian retiree interim payments by 5%. This will affect 29% of the cases. These cases had been receiving a lower than average amount of interim pay based upon the data received at the time of retirement. Additional system changes are in process to provide a 5% increase for certain retirees of the United States Postal Service.

OPM is currently working with agencies to improve timeliness and quality of personnel/payroll information submissions. Indeed, OPM's Strategic Plan speaks to the shared responsibility for retirement processing among employees, agencies and OPM so resolving these issues is at the very center of the radar screen. Incomplete or inaccurate information from agencies can significantly delay processing and ultimately, a retiree's check. Unfortunately, 23 percent of all claims received are missing one or more records and 11 percent are not received during the first 30 days.

We are confident that through additional staff, over-time, improvements in interim payments, and collaboration with agencies we will reduce our back-log to more normal levels and fulfill our commitments to the Federal retiree, which has always been one of our highest priorities.

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