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Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Event Information

National Veterans Golden Age Games

2013 Registration now open!

2013 Welcome Packet

2013 Athlete Registration Package

2013 Non-Athlete Registration Package

2013 Volunteer Application

Learn moreĀ»

General Information

Who Must Register
All athletes, coaches, support staff, and traveling volunteers must register. Each individual registering must complete a separate registration form.
All Veterans, ages 55 or older, who currently receive inpatient or outpatient, care from the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
All athletes must enter at least two but no more than four events, excluding exhibition events.
All age classifications will be determined by the athlete's age as of May 31, 2013. There are seven age classifications: 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, and 85+.
Athletes will compete by gender in the following events: cycling, bowling, horseshoes, shot put, discus, javelin and swimming.
Visually impaired athletes will have a separate division in the following events: bowling, horseshoes, shuffleboard, and golf.
Wheelchair Travel
It is often helpful when traveling with a wheelchair or scooter to call the airline in advance and inform them of your needs. Let them know if you will need an aisle chair, arm rest removed or require harness belt or chest strap. Provide written, equipment handling instructions.
Hotel reservations and payment are the responsibility of the traveler. Specific hotel information will be forwarded to athletes after acceptance of registration.
Medical assistance will be provided 24 hours a day as part of the 2013 National Veterans Golden Age Games. Emergency medical treatment will be available at the host hotel. First aid and patient stabilization will be provided at the events and activities. Ambulances will be called if emergency care is needed. Medical assistance is not intended for pre-existing conditions. Athletes must bring with them enough medication and medical supplies to last throughout the games. There are no provisions for providing replacement medications and medical supplies.
When traveling it is recommended all health and insurance information is included with personal travel documents. Important documents should be carried with veteran or escort on the plane and not placed in luggage.

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National Veterans
Golden Age Games


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Email Updates
  • Interim Director:
    Amy Will: (314) 894-6549
  • Local Host Site Coordinator
    Pam Kaznowski: (716) 862-6814
  • Media Contact:
    Michael Molina: (202) 560-7305


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