• Springwood, The Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Home Of Franklin D Roosevelt

    National Historic Site New York

Be A Junior Ranger

The Junior Secret Service Program at the FDR site is designed for children ages 7 - 12. The handbook and badge are available at the front desk of the Wallace Center upon request. This kid's activity is free!

You can also complete the Jr. Secret Service program on-line. Download the Jr. Secret Service Program Manual, and complete as many activities as you can. Once you are done, send your results to Park Ranger, John Foraker to receive your certificate and badge.

Download the Junior Secret Service Training Manual. (839KB PDF)

FDR with his mother Sara Roosevelt on election day 1940
FDR on election day in 1940. His mother, Sara Delano Roosevelt, is with him in the car.
FDR Library

Did You Know?


In 1945, the "Big Three" Allied leaders Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met at Yalta in the Soviet Crimea to discuss strategy to end World War II. This became known as the Yalta Conference.