
Operation of the Registries requires a complete set of individual roles and responsibilities. Below is a chart listing the functional roles and responsibilities for each registry. It should be noted that one individual or organization might fill more than one functional role.

User RoleDefinitionFunction
Chief Information Officer (CIO)

The Assistant Administrator for Environmental Information, responsible for establishing an innovative center of excellence that advances the creation, management and use of information as a strategic resource at EPA

  • Monitor and encourage adherence to data standards.
  • Arbitrate conflicts and issues related to data standards conformance.
  • Issue waivers to data standard conformance (see Data Standard Implementation Procedures).
  • Notify the applying office in writing of the disposition of the waiver application.
  • Issue data standards, data standard revisions, and conformance waivers.
  • Promote the use of data standards.
  • Designate standards development priorities.
  • Approve draft data standards affecting external data exchanges for Federal Register public review.
  • Approve and promulgate final data standards.
  • Request revision of a data standard and/or implementation guidance.
  • Approve drafts of major data standard and/or implementation guidance revisions for Federal Register publication and review (if affect external information exchanges).
  • Approve and promulgate a final revised data standard and its implementation guidance.
  • Monitor and encourage adherence to data standards.
  • Arbitrate conflicts and issues related to data standards conformance.
  • Issue waivers to data standard conformance when appropriate (see Procedures for Requesting Data Standard Conformance Waivers).
EPA Grantees and IT Contractors

An individual, business, or corporation that provides goods or services.

  • Ensure that all systems/ applications under their purview implement the appropriate data standards and comply with EPA Data Standards policy and procedures.


Senior Information Official (SIO)

The SIO in each Headquarters and Regional Office is the primary, central point of accountability for the effective oversight, coordination, and management of information, information technology, and related issues.

  • Monitor and encourage adherence to data standards.
  • Ensure that applications/systems are in compliance with data standards.
  • Submit a signed concurrence on all data standard waiver requests for systems and applications regulated under the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process. All other data standard waiver applications will be handled by the IMOs.
  • Promote the maintenance of data standards and identify the need for data standards revision sooner than the two year cycle if appropriate.


Data Standards Action Team

A team of subject matter experts that develops or modifies a data standard and/or data standard implementation guidance document.

  • Data standard action team opens a controlled collaborative space on the data standards Web site for action team deliberations, document sharing, and threaded discussions.
    Data standard action team develops a charter outlining the scope of work and level of effort.
  • Data standard action team develops draft data standard.
  • Data standard action team posts the draft data standard on the controlled collaborative space and on the data standards Web site for review.
  • Data standard action team notifies community of interest that draft data standard is available for review.
  • Data standard action team reviews comments from community of interest and develops a matrix for resolution.
  • Data standard action team resolves comments and notifies submitters.
  • Data standard action team develops implementation guidance or, if the standard was developed through the Exchange Network process, the EPA members of the Exchange Network data standards development action team develop implementation guidance (see Data Standards Implementation Procedures). The implementation guidance must include a "required implementation date", all relevant systems in EPA must implement the data standard by this date.
  • Data standard action team forwards draft through the Quality Information Council (QIC) process to the CIO for approval for submission for public comment.
  • Data standard action team reviews pubic comments and develops a comment matrix for resolution.
  • Data standard action team resolves comments and notifies submitters.
  • Data standard action team forwards revised draft data standard and implementation guidance to QIC for recommendation to CIO.


Data Standards Branch (DSB)

Organization that manages EPA’s data standards program to promote efficient sharing of environmental information among EPA, states, tribes, and other information partners through the cooperative development of data standards. DSB is located in the Office of Environmental Information, Office of Information Collection.

  • Provide conformance assistance, measurement and review.
  • Evaluate waiver applications and make advisory recommendations to CIO.
  • Consult with data stewards and the Quality Information Council (QIC) Steering Committee as needed.
  • Report any conformance conflicts to the CIO, resolve those conflicts based on the CIO’s guidance, and
  • Monitor the status of waivers through READ (the Registry for EPA Applications, Models and Datasets).
  • Perform feasibility analysis of standards proposed for development.
  • Provide expertise and administrative support to Action Teams.
  • Shepherd data standard through the review/approval process.
  • Conduct any required Federal Register announcement and review processes.
  • Post final data standard on Web site and in the Data Registry.
  • Provide expertise and administrative support to Action Teams for major data standards and/or implementation guidance revisions.
  • Shepherd data standard and/or implementation guidance revision through the review/approval process.
  • Conduct Federal Register announcement and review process for major revisions of data standards and/or implementation guidance
  • if they affect external information exchanges.
  • Post final revised data standard and/or implementation guidance on the Data Standards Web site and in the Data Registry.
  • In the case of minor revisions (editorial) to an EPA Data Standard, responsible for drafting, posting, advising the CIO, and alerting the
  • communities of interest to the revisions.
  • Shepherd data standard implementation guidance through the review/approval process.
  • Post final implementation guidance with each data standard on the Data Standards Web site and in the Data Registry.
  • Provide data standard implementation guidance training and technical assistance.
  • In consultation with the program director and the Senior Information Official (SIO) or designee, appoint a data standard steward for
  • each approved data standard.
  • Report any conformance conflicts to the CIO, and resolve those conflicts based on the CIO’s guidance.


Information Management Official (IMO)

Management official responsible for the oversight of the information resources management in the program or administrative office.

  • Make every effort to ensure all systems conform to relevant data standards.
  • Prepare applications for waivers, except those for CPIC systems (see SIO), and submit them to the CIO.
  • Ensure that all waivers that have been granted are accurately recorded in READ and any applicable system life cycle and solutions architecture documentation.
  • Review content for semi-annual “Data Standards Systems Implementation Progress Measurement Matrix” in READ.
  • Submit any requests for waivers.
  • Ensure that all systems/ applications under their purview implement the appropriate data standards and comply with the EPA Data Standard policy and its procedures.
  • Recommend the need for new data standards to be developed.
  • Assist in the selection of data stewards for standards relevant to their program concerns.
  • Assist in the nomination of action team members for standards development and revision in subject areas relevant to their program concerns.
  • Promote conformance with approved data standards.
  • Prepare application specific data standard waiver packages (see Requesting Data Standard Conformance Waiver Procedures).


System Owner

The individual or organization responsible for establishing the rules for appropriate use and protection of the data/information within a system.

  • Submits a signed concurrence with the Senior Information Official (SIO) on any Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) systems/applications applying for a data standards conformance waiver.


Information Resources Management Branch Chief (IRM BC)

Management official responsible for the oversight of the information resources management in an EPA region.

  • Has the same functions as the Information Management Official (IMO).
Quality Information Council (QIC)

EPA senior level managers who advise and assist the CIO with formulation of policies on major cross-cutting quality and information issues.

  • Confer with the DSB representative and the waiver applicant to develop a recommendation to the CIO on contentious waiver applications.
  • Review draft data standards, major revisions of data standards, and implementation guidance and make recommendations to the CIO for approval.


Contracting Officer or Contracting Officer's Representative

An individual with authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings on behalf of the Agency and its project management representatives; e.g., Task Order Project Managers (TOPOs) and Alternate Task Order Project Managers (ATOPs).

  • Ensure that all contracts for new or revised systems/applications under their purview comply with EPA Data Standards policy and procedures.


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