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The Executive Management Program Office provides centralized services to the Department of the Navy’s senior executive corps. This centralized approach to service and support of the senior leadership, scientific, and intelligence cadre enables the Department of the Navy to develop strong and exceptional talent capable of meeting changing mission requirements and leading in the 21st century.


The Secretary of the Navy established the Executive Management Program Office in August 2008 and centralized services for the Navy and Marine Corps. The office operates under the auspices of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Civilian Human Resources) and is responsible for the governance and administrative management of all executives and executive career lifecycle management.

The centralization of services and support is consistent with Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 1403.3 “to institute a deliberate, systematic, and predictable approach to management of the career lifecycle of DoD SES leaders to produce the best civilian career leadership cadre possible—one that is fully integrated with the other components of DoD executive leadership, general and flags officers (G/FOs), and political leaders. The Department’s [DoD] vision for the management and development of senior executives is that of a senior civilian workforce that possesses a broad background of skills and experiences that will have prepared them to support the warfighter and meet the continually changing management requirements of the Department.”

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