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Universities and Grants Programs

Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP)

Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program (GAMTTEP)

Transportation Education Pipeline

Developing a skilled transportation workforce to meet current and future transportation challenges is critical to the continued growth and vitality of the nation's transportation system. The Universities and Grants Programs (U&GP) promote transportation workforce development by providing management, leadership, and coordination for student transportation education programs that supply the "pipeline" with highly skilled individuals for the transportation workforce. The transportation education pipeline provides a continuum of training and education throughout students' academic development in order to peak and sustain their interest in the transportation industry and careers. U&GP's mission is to attract qualified students to the fields of transportation education and research, and advance transportation workforce development.

Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program

The Universities and Grants Programs administers the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP), an intermodal, congressionally mandated program originally authorized by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act in 1991 and funded at $2M annually. The DDETFP was reauthorized in 2005 by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), and received its first funding increase. Currently funded at 2.2M annually, the DDETFP is a key component of the transportation education pipeline, and provides grants to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to pursue transportation education, research, and careers.

Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program

The Universities and Grants Programs also administer the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program (GAMTTEP). Authorized in 2005 in SAFETEA-LU, its purpose is to "improve the preparation of students, particularly women and minorities, in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through curriculum development and other activities related to transportation." Funded at $1.25M through fiscal years 2006-2009, the GAMTTEP provides grants to State and local educational agencies which may partner with institutions of higher education, businesses, or other entities to carryout program activities. GAMTTEP provides an opportunity to expose students to transportation at early stages of the academic cycle (K-12), and helps prepare today's youth to become tomorrow's transportation professionals.

Other Activities

The Universities and Grants Programs continue its efforts to better coordinate the various transportation education programs of the US DOT to maximize their impact. The team works with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and Office of Human Resources (OHR) to promote partnering opportunities with other education and workforce development pipeline programs including the Professional Development Program (PDP).

News and Updates

  • The Universities and Grants Programs concluded a successful 2013 TRB. Photos and video will be coming soon.

    Watch the video

  • The 2013 Graduate Fellowship cycle is open.

  • Grants for Research Fellowship project is Closed, please continue visiting our website for the next available opportunities.

Transportation and Education Research Community of Practice (CoP)

The Transportation Education and Research CoP is located on FHWA's Highway Community Exchange. CoP is a Web-based tool that creates a virtual environment for open knowledge exchange and a platform for collective thinking, continuous learning, and education. The purpose of the CoP is to promote an open exchange of ideas, knowledge, experiences, and practices among transportation education professionals and peers.


The U&GP staff is here to help. Please read our FAQs or contact us if you have questions or need assistance.

Staff Contact Information
(703) 235-0538

Henry C. Murdaugh
Program Manager
(703) 235-0538

Camron Ranje
Team Leader and Systems Analyst
(703) 235-0537

Gerald Hill
Program Analyst
(703) 235-0591

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