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National Park of American SamoaAwa ceremony at a Samoan village.
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National Park of American Samoa
Suggested Reading

In-depth material at this web-site may be of value for some local curriculum needs. Some are (click on them to follow the link):

Craig, Peter, editor. 2005. Natural History Guide to the National Park of American Samoa. National Park of American Samoa, Pago Pago. View on-line as an htm file, or view as a pdf file

National Park Service. 2006. An Illustrated List of Fishes of American Samoa and the Park. View on-line as an htm file on the park website.

National Park Service. 2006. An Illustrated List of Corals of the National Park of American Samoa. View on-line as an htm file on the park website.

National Park Service. 2006. An Illustrated List of Plants of the National Park of American Samoa. View on-line as an htm file on the park website.


Other suggested readings include

Amerson, A. Binion, Jr., W. Arthur Whistler, and Terry D. Schwaner.  1982.  Vol I, Environment and Ecology, and Vol II, Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat of American Samoa.  U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.

Engbring, John and Fred L. Ramsey.  1989.  A 1986 Survey of the Forest Birds of American Samoa.  U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.

Goldin, Meryl Rose.  2002.  Field Guide to the Samoan Archipelago.  Bess Press, Honolulu.

Holmes, Lowell D. and Ellen R.  1992.  Samoan Village, Then and Now, 2nd Ed.  Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology.  Stanford Univ.  Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Kirch, Patrick V. and Terry L. Hunt, editors.  1993.  The To’aga Site, Three Millennia of Polynesian Occupation in the Manu’a Islands, American Samoa.  Contributions of the Univ. of California Archeological Facility, No. 51.  Berkeley.

Kirch, Patrick V. and Terry L. Hunt, Editors.  1997.  Historical Ecology in the Pacific Islands, Prehistoric Environmental and Landscape Change.  Yale University Press, New Haven. 331 pp.

Maugham, W. Somerset.   1985.  The Trembling of a Leaf.  Mutual Publ. Co., Honolulu.

Stone, Charles P. and J. Michael Scott, Editors.  1985.  Hawai’i’s Terrestrial Ecosystems:  Preservation and Management.  Coooperative National Park Resources Study Unit.  University of Hawaii, Honolulu. 584 pp

Stone, Charles P., Clifford W. Smith, and J. Timothy Tunison., Editors.  1992.  Alien Plant Invasions in Native Ecosystems of Hawai’i:  Management and Research.  Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit. University of Hawaii.  887 pp.

 Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful, Yellowstone
The Samoa park is one in a "system" of national parks
Diverse species of lobe corals in crystal clear Pacific waters  

Did You Know?
Coral reefs in American Samoa and Guam (with more than 200 coral species and 890 species of fish) have the greatest coral biodiversity of any United States park.

Last Updated: September 13, 2006 at 17:03 EST