U.S. Department of Justice

Shifts, Extended Work Hours, and Fatigue: An Assessment of Health and Personal Risks for Police Officers

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Feb. 22, 2013

Library ID

  • 026640


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  • 2012
  • 64 pages

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  • Shifts, Extended Work Hours, and Fatigue: An Assessment of Health and Personal Risks for Police Officers

ANNOTATION: 'Little is known of the long term health impact of shift work and extended work hours on police officers, and no direct detailed exposure assessment of work/shift hours has yet been done. The primary purpose of this investigation was to examine police shift work exposure and the association of such exposure with adverse health outcomes such as disease, stress and depression. To accomplish this goal, we examined the impact of shift work on biomarkers of subclinical cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. We also examined the interaction of objective measures of shift work and sleep quality on stress and subclinical disease biomarkers and work injuries. Standardized measures of psychological well-being, including stress, depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were also investigated' (p. 1). Results are provided for shift work and health outcomes, shift work and cardiovascular disease, shift work and sleep problems, shift work and obesity, shift work and injury, shift work and suicide ideation, shift work and oxidative stress, dysregulation of cortisol across shifts, police mortality, and mortality across shifts.

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