U.S. Department of Justice

Juvenile Court Statistics 2009

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Oct. 18, 2012

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ANNOTATION: Delinquency and status offense cases managed by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction between 1985 and 2009 are analyzed and commented on. This report contains four chapters: introduction; national estimates of delinquency cases—counts and trends, case rates, age at referral, gender, and race; national estimates of delinquency case processing -- referral, detention, intake decision, waiver, adjudication, dispositions (out-of-home placement and probation), and case processing; and national estimates of petitioned status offense cases by counts and trends, case rates, age at referral, gender, race, source of referral, detention, adjudication, dispositions (out-of-home placement and probation), and case processing. Appendixes provide glossary of terms and reported juvenile court cases disposed in 2009 by county.

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