Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)


RESOURCE: Interview with Nancy Brune, Sandia National Laboratories

Nancy Brune,  a Senior Policy analyst at Sandia National Laboratories and Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, discusses security and sustainability with discusses security and sustainability with Ed Saltzberg, Managing Director of the Security and Sustainability Forum. Click here to listen to this audio track at the website for the [...]

Air Force Research Laboratory Testing

Recently, personnel from the Air Force Research Laboratory in Albuquerque utilized the site at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility to evaluate seismic and optical activity from explosives set off at locations east and west of the facility. Some of the explosives were set-off above ground and some below. The shots varied in strength between [...]

Sandia Builds Android-Based Network to Study Cyber Disruptions

As part of ongoing research to help prevent and mitigate disruptions to computer networks on the Internet, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories in California have turned their attention to smartphones and other hand-held computing devices. Sandia cyber researchers linked together 300,000 virtual hand-held computing devices running the Android operating system so they can study large [...]

Sandia to Study the Little Things

The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies at Sandia recently received a $900,000 grant to investigate the tiniest parts of solar materials. The new grant, announced by the U.S. Department of Energy in late August, will fund development of new microscopy tools to help understand the chemical and electronic structure of thin-film photovoltaic, or solar, materials and how microscopic [...]

Dr. David Danielson Visit to NSTTF

   Dr. David Danielson visited Sandia National Laboratories and toured the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) on Wednesday, March 14. Dr. Danielson is the Assistant Secretary of the DOE EERE (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy) office. During the visit, Dr. Danielson was shown the test and research capabilities of the NSTTF, had the chance [...]

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