Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)


Measurements of Thermal Stratification in a Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition Engine

Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines use fuel mixed with a substantial amount of excess air or recirculated exhaust gas that is compressed in the combustion chamber until it autoignites. The resulting combustion is a flameless and low-temperature burn that consumes less fuel than traditional spark-ignition internal combustion engines, and therefore, produces less carbon dioxide. [...]

Improved Method to Measure Glare and Reflected Solar Irradiance

Sandia has developed a significantly cheaper, more efficient, and more accurate method of measuring the irradiance from solar reflections using a digital camera. Measurements of reflected solar irradiance is of great importance to industry, military, and government agencies to assess potential impacts of glint and glare from growing numbers of solar power installations around the [...]

‘Zombie’ Replica Cells May Outperform Live Ones as Catalysts and Conductors

The Sandia-developed technique coats a cell’s insides with a silica solution to form a near-­‐perfect replica of its internal structure—simplifying a wide variety of commercial fabrication processes from the nano- to macro-scale. The work, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, uses the nanoscopic organelles and other tiny components of mammalian cells [...]

CRF Researchers Awarded David A. Shirley Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement

Craig Taatjes and David Osborn (both in 8353), along with collaborators at the universities of Manchester and Bristol, were given this LBNL Advanced Light Source (ALS) award for their work in making the first direct measurements of the reactions of Criegee intermediates and showing that their impact on tropospheric chemistry and climate may be substantially [...]

Biofuels Blend Right In: Researchers Show Ionic Liquids Effective for Pretreating Mixed Blends of Biofuel Feedstocks

Winemakers have long known that blending different grape varietals can favorably balance the flavor characteristics of the wine they produce. In the future, makers of advanced biofuels might use a similar strategy, blending different feedstock varieties to balance the energy characteristics of the transportation fuel they produce. A collaborative study by researchers with the DOE’s [...]

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