• A stator in the third powerhouse at Grand Coulee.
  • The penstocks above the water at Hoover Dam
  • The top of Shasta Dam in California
  • An automated gate structure on a canal in Washington.
  • An aerial photo of the sunsetting at Ruedi Reservoir in Colorado.

Working with valued partners such as C.A.S.T. for Kids, and community groups, such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Reclamation supports the Youth Initiative at the Department through outreach and volunteer activities.

“Catch A Special Thrill” for Kids Foundation (C.A.S.T.) is a public 501(c) 3 Charitable Organization formed in 1991 to connect volunteers who love fishing and the outdoors with disabled and disadvantaged children who have an opportunity to enjoy their own fishing experience. C.A.S.T. hosts two successful programs: the C.A.S.T. For Kids Program and the Fishing Kids Program. Reclamation has been involved with C.A.S.T. since 1992. 

C.A.S.T. has a national presence allowing children everywhere and of any means an opportunity to learn about water resources and fishing.

Volunteer Programs
In Fiscal Year 2009, Reclamation carried on the tradition of engaging youth through volunteer activities that expose young people to the great outdoors while improving natural resources. Youth service projects contributed to the 43,002 total volunteer hours calculated.  Valuable youth volunteer activities on Reclamation lands and waters included a Boy Scout Eagle Scout project and a large-scale clean up during a National Public Lands Day event along the 52-mile San Diego River watershed.  The volunteers assisted in removal of 42,100 pounds (21.05 tons) of trash and debris, collection of discarded automobile tires, car batteries, aluminum cans, bottles, and assorted scrap metal in support of California's recycling initiative.

If your organization is interested in a volunteer activity on Reclamation lands or waters, please contact Amy Sjerven at ASjerven@usbr.gov