
Operation of the System of Registries requires a complete set of individual roles and responsibilities. Below is a chart listing the functional roles and responsibilities for each registry. It should be noted that one individual or organization might fill more than one functional role.

User RoleDefinitionFunction
Terminology Editor

This role develops and maintains vocabularies.

Terminology editors can create and edit term records. Approval by secondary and primary terminology stewards is required prior to the terminologies or term records going final.

Technical Reviewer

This role is responsible for review and recommendation of technologies compliant with EPA architecture and regulations to provide the technological functions needed in the SOR

The technical reviews and recommends technological solutions.

Primary Terminology Steward

This role has primary responsibility for managing the content of an assigned terminology and can request the archiving of a terminology.

Primary Terminology Steward can edit (including delete) terminology records from the terminology; approves the changes made to the terminology by the secondary information resource steward; is the custodian of the terminology. Can request the System Administrator to archive term records and terminologies.

Trusted User

This role has read-access to all information in the registries and has some rights not available to the Anonymous User, such as the ability to request the addition of a new information resource in a registry through a log-in screen.

Trusted User has read only functionality to existing information in the registries, although the trusted user is able to request creation of new records in the different registries, potentially becoming a steward for the new record

Secondary Registrar

This role has secondary responsibility for managing the content of an assigned registry and can request deletions of their assigned registry records.

Secondary Registry Steward main function is the development, monitoring, and training of the processes for use and operation of the registry so that all users produce quality information. Secondary Registry Steward can edit (including delete) a registry record; can request changes to locked fields; and can request addition of new registry records.

Anonymous User

This role has read-only access to registry records on the public Internet. They may also download limited content.

Anonymous user has no functional role, other than read-only, for any registry information.

Secondary Terminology Steward

This role has secondary responsibility for managing the content of the assigned terminology.

Secondary Terminology Steward can edit and create new terminology records for the assigned terminology. All changes must be approved by the Primary Terminology Steward before they are made final. Requests to archive term records must be made to the Primary Terminology Steward.

Primary Registrar

This role has primary responsibility for managing the content of an assigned registry and can request deletions of their assigned registry records.

Primary Registry Steward main function is the development, monitoring, and training of the processes for use and operation of the registry so that all users produce quality information. Primary Registry Steward can edit (including delete) a registry record; can request changes to locked fields; and can request addition of new registry records.

System Administrator

This role is the highest level of access and allows performing all administrative functions such as maintaining user roles within a registry; approving, rejecting, and deleting data; and maintaining reference data.

System Administrator has edit access to all records in the registry; System Administrator also may have ability to modify pick lists or change field names.

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