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Working in a Congressional office can be an incredibly rewarding and exciting experience. An internship provides an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience, and observe first-hand how our government operates. Interns gain practical work experience by undertaking a variety of administrative and legislative responsibilities in the office.

Interns in the Washington office help draft constituent correspondence, attend briefings and Congressional hearings, and function as a key part of the staff. Interns in the District Office conduct research, assist with constituent casework and draft correspondence. Interns in both offices assist with answering phones, data entry and general office systems operations. Interns are an important part of my staff.

Internships are available expressly for the purpose of furthering educational objectives; therefore they are unpaid and usually awarded to undergraduate and graduate -level students.

Application Process

Applications are now being accepted for the Summer 2013.  Click here for the application.

Please contact our DC Office at (202) 225-5951 if you have any questions.