SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (SMA) Active Funding Opportunities - Recently Announced


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Funding Opportunities
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Build and Broaden 2.0 (B2 2.0) 21-542 Full Proposal: March 5, 2021
Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-2 (Mid-scale RI-2) NSF-wide 21-537 Letter of Intent: February 3, 2021 Preliminary Proposal: March 5, 2021 Full Proposal: September 20, 2021
National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program NSF-wide 21-536 Full Proposal: February 25, 2021 Full Proposal: September 6, 2021
Understanding the Rules of Life: Microbiome Interactions and Mechanisms (URoL:MIM) NSF-wide 21-534 Full Proposal: February 23, 2021
Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) NSF-wide 21-524 Full Proposal: March 5, 2021
Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Data Science Corps (DSC) NSF-wide 21-523 Full Proposal: February 12, 2021
Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering NSF-wide Crosscutting 21-519 Full Proposal: January 21, 2021
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII Track-2 FEC) NSF-wide 21-518 Letter of Intent: December 18, 2020 Full Proposal: January 25, 2021
Mid-Career Advancement (MCA) Crosscutting 21-516 Full Proposal: February 1, 2021
Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet) NSF-wide 21-511 Full Proposal: January 4, 2021 Full Proposal: October 11, 2021
Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 (Mid-scale RI-1) NSF-wide 21-505 Preliminary Proposal: January 7, 2021 Full Proposal: April 23, 2021
Sustainable Regional Systems Research Networks (SRS RNs) NSF-wide 20-611 Full Proposal: January 11, 2021
National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes NSF-wide 20-604
Harnessing the Data Revolution: Coordination Hub (HDR Central) NSF-wide 20-600
International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) NSF-wide 20-598 Full Proposal: September 21, 2021 Full Proposal: September 28, 2021
Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program NSF-wide 20-595
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) NSF-wide 20-587
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1: (RII Track-1) NSF-wide 20-571
Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC) NSF-wide 20-570 Preliminary Proposal: March 10, 2021 Full Proposal: June 9, 2021 Preliminary Proposal: September 8, 2021 Full Proposal: December 8, 2021
Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) (NSF INCLUDES) NSF-wide 20-569 Full Proposal: January 26, 2021 Letter of Intent: October 4, 2021
ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) NSF-wide 20-554 Full Proposal: February 4, 2021 Preliminary Proposal: April 22, 2021 Letter of Intent: August 2, 2021 Full Proposal: August 6, 2021 Full Proposal: October 7, 2021 Full Proposal: November 3, 2021
Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO) NSF-wide 20-549
Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase II NSF-wide 20-546
Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase II NSF-wide 20-545
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows (RII Track-4) NSF-wide 20-543 Full Proposal: April 13, 2021
Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Excellence in Research (HBCU - EiR) NSF-wide 20-542
NSF Innovation Corps Hubs Program (I-CorpsTM Hubs) NSF-wide 20-529 Full Proposal: April 1, 2021
Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I (STTR) NSF-wide 20-528
Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I (SBIR) NSF-wide 20-527
Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) NSF-wide 20-525 Full Proposal: July 26, 2021
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