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EH&S Bulletin


Cumulative Risk Assessment 2012 Webinar Series:
August 29, 2012 - View Webinar
September 26, 2012 - View Webinar
October 17, 2012 - View Webinar
November 28, 2012 - View Webinar

Environmental Justice: What's Science Got to Do With It?

MP3 Recordings of National Teleconference Calls (EPA STAR grantees & community partners discuss research impacts)

More EHS multimedia

Cumulative Risk Assessment 2012 Webinar Series:

October 17, 2012
3:00 p.m. EST

Characterizing Cumulative Air Pollution Risks
Jonathan London
  Questions and Answers
Jonathan London   Q&A
View Videos:
Flash Video - 38:49, 159 MB
Podcast - 38:49, 56 MB
Windows Media Player - 38:49, 40.8 MB
View Videos:
Flash Video - 28:03, 118 MB
Podcast - 28:03, 38 MB
Windows Media Player - 28:03, 29.7 MB

September 26, 2012
3:00 p.m. EST

Characterizing Cumulative Air Pollution Risks
Neal Fann, M.S.
  Questions and Answers
Neal Fann   Q&A
View Videos:
Flash Video - 39:42, 150 MB
Podcast - 39:42, 59 MB
Windows Media Player - 39:42, 43.7 MB
View Videos:
Flash Video - 22:05, 79 MB
Podcast - 22:05, 26.7 MB
Windows Media Player - 22:05, 23.2 MB

August 29, 2012
3:00 p.m. EST

Tipping the Balance of Neural networks with Persistent Organic Pollutants: Relevance to Autism Risk
Ari S. Lewis, M.S.
  Questions and Answers
Ari S. Lewis   Q&A
View Videos:
Flash Video - 48:18, 189 MB
Podcast - 48:18, 77.4 MB
Windows Media Player - 48:18, 50.3 MB
View Videos:
Flash Video - 21:48, 84.7 MB
Podcast - 21:48, 34.2 MB
Windows Media Player - 21:48, 23.8 MB

Research to Support Environmental Justice

Health Disparities and the Environment

Social Dimensions of the Environment

    Audio File MP3 Recordings of National Teleconference Calls hosted by The Collaborative on Health and the Environment and the Science and Environmental Health Network Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer featured EPA funded researchers (NCER grantees) and their community partners discussing cumulative impacts research projects on a community level

    Audio FileJune 9, 2011 MP3 recording with tags, Part 1
    Listen Now

    Speakers and start times below.

    Opening introductions: Elise Miller, Carolyn Raffensperger and Devon Payne-Sturges

    Jane Clougherty, MSc, ScD, University of Pittsburgh Department of Environmental and Occupational Health: 12:08
    Community Partner, Peggy Shepard, Executive Director, West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc: 18:00

    Rob Laumback, MD, MPH, CIH, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey School of Public Health: 24:07
    Community Partner, Cynthia Mellon, Ironbound Community Corporation: 31:28

    John Levy, PhD, Boston University School of Public Health: 36:00
    Community Partner, Maria Mojica, Program Assurance and Community Outreach Specialist, NorthStar Learning Centers: 46:12

    Q&A Session: 51:00

    Audio FileJune 16, 2011 MP3 recording with tags, Part 2
    Listen Now

    Speakers and start times below.

    Introductions: Elise Miller and Carolyn Raffensperger

    Deborah Corey-Slechta, PhD, Professor of Environmental Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry: 11:00
    Community Partner, Katrina Korfmacher, PhD, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

    Stephen Linder, PhD, EdD, MBA, Professor and Associate Director, Institute for Health Policy, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston: 22:15

    Madeleine Scammell, DSc, Boston University School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health: 33:40
    Community Partner, Rosa Maria Olortegui, Star Program Coordinator at The Chelsea Collaborative: 41:50

    Q&A Session: 47:20

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