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Library Library

Our library page contains links and resources for the Air Force ISR Agency's many organizations scattered across the globe. There is a variety of information available in the library, including information on agency and wing leaders. For more information about Air Force ISR Agency units, visit our units page. If you'd like more information about the Air Force in general, visit Air Force Link and its information page.
tabAir Force ISR Agency Leadership 

Brig. Gen.
Mark R. Kraus

ANG Advisor 

Brig. Gen. Mark
D. Stillwagon

Mobilization asst.

Mr. Dominic Pohl
Executive Director

Mr. Kenneth

Director of Staff 

 Paul D. Nelson

Vice Commander 

Col. Kevin D. Dixon
Assistant Vice
tabAir Force ISR Agency Fact Sheets 
tabUnit Fact Sheets 

 Inside AF ISR Agency

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tabLibrary Index
Lackland Base Operator
(210) 671-1110
DSN 473-1110

Air Force ISR Agency Public Affairs
(210) 977-2166
DSN 969-2166

Air Force ISR Agency Protocol
(210) 977-2971
DSN 969-2971

Weather Advisories
(210) 671-NEWS (6397)

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