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The Chief Acquisition Officer Corner

Performance Measures

GSA's acquisition performance measures describe its successes or failures in achieving the agency's strategic goals and mission.

This site provides statistics and information that will allow users to gauge GSA's effectiveness and efficiency in satisfying its overall federal procurement mission. The information will:

  • Enable users to understand how GSA is performing organizationally and collectively;
  • Provide measures to show the strengths of GSA's performance; and
  • Identify areas where improvement is needed.  

GSA Vendor Communication Plan

The GSA Vendor Communication Plan, which is in response to the February 2, 2011 OFPP Memo titled, "Myth-Busting:"  Addressing Misconceptions to Improve Communication with Industry during the Acquisition Process , outlines efforts to reduce unnecessary barriers, publicize communication opportunities, and prioritize engagement opportunities for high-risk, complex programs or those that fail to attract new vendors during re-competitions.

Federal Cloud Computing Best Practices

This guide, Creating Effective Cloud Computing Contracts for the Federal Government, enables Federal agencies to make smarter, more informed cloud purchasing decisions by utilizing lessons learned and best practices of early adopters – moving us to a more efficient and more effective government.



Ask the Chief Acquisition Officer

GSA Service Contract Inventory

Notes from the OFPP Administrator

This document provides an excellent opportunity to highlight some of the overall successes achieved by focusing on fiscal responsibility, developing the acquisition workforce, and rebalancing relationships with contractors.

2012 Notes

May/ June 2012 Notes (PDF)

February/ March 2012 Notes (PDF)

January 2012 Notes (PDF)

2011 Notes
December 2011 Notes (PDF)

October 2011 Notes (PDF)

August 2011 Notes (PDF)

acquisition, planning, PBC, CAO