U.S. Department of Justice

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Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Juvenile Agencies and Facilities
NIC-12RE05GKJ5; National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
“The goal of this Toolkit is to provide juvenile agencies and facilities of all sizes, political divisions, and geographic locations with a step-by-step guide for preventing, detecting, and eliminating sexual abuse of residents in their custody – and for responding effectively to abuse when it occurs. Prison rape includes all forms of resident sexual abuse within a correctional facility, including state and federal prisons, county and municipal jails, police lock-ups, holding facilities, residen... Read More

1 computer file
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Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Jails
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); NIC-12RE05GKJ5.. The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
UPDATED 1/24/13: Added missing checklists. “The goal of this Toolkit is to provide jails of all sizes, political divisions, and geographic locations with a step-by-step guide for preventing, detecting, and eliminating sexual abuse of inmates in their custody – and for responding effectively to abuse when it occurs. Prison rape includes all forms of inmate sexual abuse within a correctional facility, including state and federal prisons, county and municipal jails, police lock-ups, holding facilit... Read More

1 computer file
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Use of Electronic Control Weapons Against Handcuffed or Restrained Persons [Parts 1 and 2]
Americans for Effective Law Enforcement, Inc (AELE). Civil Liability and Jail and Prisoner Law Sections (Chicago, IL).
'After reviewing case law on various circumstances in which officers might have occasion to use ECWs (electronic control weapons) against handcuffed or restrained persons, Part 2 offers some recommendations to consider' (p. 102). Part 1 introduces the issue, use against persons no longer resisting, persons continuing to resist, and misinterpreted actions. Part 2 discusses corrections and confinement, confronting mentally disturbed persons, and recommendations.... Read More
20 pages
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Jails in Indian Country, 2011
By Minton, Todd D.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
Statistics and information regarding Indian country jails as of June 2011 are presented. Tables following the highlights from this report show: inmates, rated capacity, and percent of capacity occupied by facility, offense, conviction status, and sex; jails providing medical services; jails operating above 150% of capacity on their peak day; admissions and expected length of stay; jails with policies for screening inmates for HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, mental health care, or... Read More
40 pages
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PREA Standards Comparison: Standards for Juvenile Justice Facilities
Washington College of Law. Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC).
Differences in the evolving Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Standards from 2009 to 2012 are noted. The PREA Standard number and standard content for the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC) Standard (June 2009), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Draft Standard (February 2011) and the DOJ Final Standard (May 2012) are shown side by side with additional analysis (if provided).... Read More
113 pages
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Fiscal Policy Center Toolkit: How to Retain Funds for Youth Programming From the Sale of Lease of Juvenile Facilities
By Albin, Lori. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). National Juvenile Justice Network (Washington, DC).
“The goal of this toolkit is to help advocates ensure that at least a portion of funds garnered through facility closures remains in the juvenile justice system … The best way to guarantee that the proceeds of a sale or lease are not simply absorbed into the state’s general fund is through statute. This toolkit will guide you through the process of drafting a bill—on your own or with the assistance of your legislature’s bill drafters—that will require your state to capture some or all of the pro... Read More
9 pages
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Library Services for Youth in Custody
Colorado State Library. Library Services for Youth in Custody (LSYC) (Denver, CO).
If you are looking for one website that offers a great assortment of materials regarding the provision of library services to incarcerated youth, then this is the place for you. “All across America, youth are incarcerated or detained with little or no access to high-interest, culturally relevant library materials or engaging programming. Research has shown that free and independent reading is the number one tool to improve literacy, a vital component to reducing recidivism. Because youth come fr... Read More
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Oregon Juvenile Detention Facility Guidelines, 4th Edition
Oregon Dept. of Corrections (Salem, OR); Oregon Commission on Children and Families (Salem, OR).
“These guidelines pertain to the general operation of juvenile detention facilities in the State of Oregon … These guidelines operate on the principle that each guideline must be addressed in written policy. In some instances, statute requires written policy as stated explicitly in the guidelines below when that is the case. The intention of these guidelines is to extend the requirement for written policy to all of the guidelines described herein without directing what that policy must be, excep... Read More
44 pages
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Implementing The Prison Rape Elimination Act: A Toolkit for Juvenile Agencies and Facilities
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); Center for Innovative Public Policies (CIPP) (Naples, FL).
“The goal of this Toolkit is to provide juvenile agencies and facilities of all sizes, political divisions, and geographic locations with a step-by-step guide for preventing, detecting, and eliminating sexual abuse of residents in their custody – and for responding effectively to abuse when it does occur” (p. 4). This document is divided into three parts; PREA implementation—general information about the PREA law, the PREA Standards, definitions and terms, developing strategies to comply with PR... Read More
104 pages
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Juvenile Federal Performance-Based Detention Standards Handbook
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (Washington, DC).
This checklist for assessing the performance of federal juvenile detention facilities is divided into eight sections: administration and management; health care; security and control; food service; justice (rules, discipline, and grievances); safety and sanitation; services and programs; and workforce integrity (staffing requirements).... Read More
116 pages
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Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2008: Selected Findings
By Hockenberry, Sarah; Sickmund, Melissa; Sladky, Anthony. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
The Juvenile Residential Facility Census (JRFC) is designed to collect information regarding juvenile facilities and their operations. The number of juveniles in custody has decreased from 2006 by 12%, with overcrowding at 3% of facilities. Other findings include: although most facilities are small and private, most offenders are held in large public facilities; security features and size varied across types of facilities; facility crowding affected a substantial proportion of youth in custody; ... Read More
12 p.
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Emergency Planning for Juvenile Residential Facilities
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
This manual provides “step-by-step guidance in the planning process … [that] will help ensure the efficient continuation of operations during an emergency, the reduction of risk to the physical plant, and, most importantly, the safety and well-being of youth and staff in our nation’s juvenile justice residential facilities (p. 2). Twelve sections are contained in this publication: overview of the planning process; budgeting for emergency planning and response; allocating responsibilities to staf... Read More
50 pages
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JFR10: Justice Facilities Review
American Institute of Architects. Academy of Architecture for Justice (Washington, DC).
Photographs, floor plans, and basic information about 21 justice facility projects judged to be outstanding architectural examples are contained in this review. Facility types chosen are correctional and detention, court, law enforcement, and multiple-use. Four facilities received citations for excellence.... Read More
37 p.
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A Whirlwind of Activity at the Scioto Juvenile Correctional Facility Library
By Steinbower, Chuck. American Library Association. Association of Specialized Cooperative Library Association (Chicago, IL).
A year in the life of a juvenile correctional facility library is recounted. Some of the highlights include visits or conference calls for young adult writers and performers such as Angela Johnson, Chris Crutcher, Patrick Jones, Nicole Bromley, Jaime Adoff, Erin Lynn, Annette Jefferson, and Anthony Gibbs.... Read More
4 p.
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Conditions of Confinement: Findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement
By Sedlak, Andrea J.; McPherson, Karla S.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Individuals needing a snapshot of or who are concerned with the current state of youth in residential placement will find this bulletin essential reading. Results of the survey are grouped in the following areas: facility and program characteristics—security and types of offenders in different programs; youth placement with other youth—age, sex, race/ethnic group, placement with other victims, co-placement of offender types, and placement with non-offenders; physical and program environment—slee... Read More
16 p.
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Boys Town Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Girls
By Cohen, Marcia I.; Gies, Stephen V.; Williams, Katherine; Gainey, Randy; Bekelman, Alan; Yeide, Martha. National Institute of Justice. Office of Research and Evaluation (Washington, DC). Development Services Group, Inc. (Bethesda, MD).
Those people involved with or interested in issues related to girl offenders should be aware of this research. The effectiveness of the Boys Town Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Girls is assessed. This is one of the few studies focusing on short-term care facilities for girls. Five sections follow an abstract and executive study: background of the evaluation and the nature of the problem; methods; process evaluation and descriptive statistics; outcome evaluation findings; and concl... Read More
379 pasges
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Delaware Juvenile Detention Facilities Population Review
By O’Connell, John P., Jr.; Rodriguez-Labarca, Jorge. Delaware Office of Management and Budget. Statistical Analysis Center (Dover, DE).
This report provides information about the juvenile detention population in Delaware. You can use these statistics for comparison to your own agency. Delaware’s juvenile detention population is at its lowest level in over ten years with the number of this population decreasing 58% since 2002. The “understanding of “how” to affect these changes did not come out of a box or from the mimicking of other jurisdictions’ best practices, but out of a gradual awareness of the Delaware juvenile justice c... Read More
12 pages
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Sexual Assault in Jail and Juvenile Facilities: Promising Practices for Prevention and Response: Final Report
By English, Kim; Heil, Peggy; Dumond, Robert. Colorado Division of Criminal Justice. Office of Research and Statistics (Denver, CO).
This is essential reading for anyone tasked with eradicating the sexual assault of incarcerated individuals. Eleven promising practices are described: leaders who promote values; officials who seek better ways of managing the inmate population; open communication; recruitment and hiring of well rounded individuals, mentoring, and succession planning; staff training; direct supervision; effective programs and services; an objective classification system; a comprehensive and independent investiga... Read More
356 p.
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Reaching Out to At-Risk Teens: Building Literacy with Incarcerated Youth
By Guerra, Stephanie. Pacific Northwest Library Association.
“This session is designed to help librarians establish outreach programs to juvenile correctional facilities and other facilities that serve at-risk youth, such as residential treatment programs, boot camps, behavior modification facilities, etc.” (p. 50). Topics discussed include: literacy as a protective factor for at-risk teens; demographics of incarcerated teens; street literature; working with penal institutions; and crafting selection policies.... Read More
11 pages
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Strength-Based Practices and Youth Competency Assessment Training and Research Project: Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice Youth Facilities, 2008-2009: Final Report
By Mackin, Juliette R.; Linhares, Robert D.; Weller, Judy M.. NPC Research (Portland, OR).
“The Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice has undertaken a ground-breaking effort, to implement strength-based philosophy and practices within its juvenile correctional facilities (detention and treatment units) across the state” (p. iii). This report documents organizational changes due to staff training and implementation of strengths-based practices. Sections following an executive summary include: project overview; summary of strengths (i.e., division leadership buy-in and support, supportive... Read More
85 pages
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JFR09: Justice Facilities Review
American Institute of Architects. Academy of Architecture for Justice (Washington, DC).
Photographs, floor plans, and basic information about 23 justice facility projects judged to be outstanding architectural examples are contained in this review. Facility types chosen are correctional and detention, court, and law enforcement. Eight facilities received citations for excellence.... Read More
81 p.
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Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2004: Selected Findings
By Livsey, Sarah; Sickmund, Melissa; Sladky, Anthony. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Information about juvenile residential facilities is provided. Findings include: most states had fewer juvenile offenders held in residential placement facilities in 2004 than in 2002; although most facilities are small and private, most offenders were held in large public facilities; security features and size varied across types of facilities; facility crowding affected a substantial proportion of youth in custody; most juvenile offenders were evaluated for educational needs and attended schoo... Read More
16 p.
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Closing California's Division of Juvenile Facilities: An Analysis of County Institutional Capacity
By Macallair, Daniel; Males, Mike; McCracken, Catherine. Van Loben Sels/RembeRock Foundation (San Francisco, CA). Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (San Francisco, CA).
The benefits of closing California's Division of Juvenile Facilities (DJF) and transferring incarcerated youth to county facilities are explained. Five sections are contained in this report: summary of findings; introduction; methodology; analysis of crime rates and youth incarceration rates, county institutional capacity and the DJF population, and impact on juvenile sentencing; and summary/conclusion.... Read More
23 p.
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Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2006: Selected Findings
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
The Juvenile Residential Facility Census (JRFC) is designed to collect information regarding juvenile facilities (e.g., type, size, structure, security arrangements, ownership, services, and juvenile deaths) and their operations. While the number of juveniles in custody has decreased by 3%, overcrowding remains a problem with 31% of facilities at over capacity. Other findings include: although most facilities are small and private, most offenders are held in large public facilities; security fea... Read More
20 p.
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Executive Training for Newly Appointed Juvenile Facility Directors [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
This 36-hour training program targets skills needed to effectively lead a juvenile corrections or detention facility. Modules contained in this manual are: creating our context for learning; the roles and functions of a juvenile facility director; exploring your leadership style; the impact of today's changing juvenile justice workforce; shaping your facility's vision, mission, values, and culture; addressing your facility's external environment; managing change; developing well being in yourse... Read More

1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Youth
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
Materials used during this training program addressing staff sexual misconduct with youth are available at this website. Participants of this course will be able to: define and understand the scope and impact of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) in juvenile settings; understand the links between law and policy in eradicating the sexual abuse of juveniles under correctional supervision; understand the significance and impact of organizational and institutional culture on eliminating sexual viol... Read More
2 p.
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Project Guide: Juvenile Facility Design
By McMillen, Michael. National Institute of Corrections. Native American and Alaskan Technical Assistance Project (NAATAP) (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Justice Planners International (JPI) (Demarest, NJ).
"[I]nformation on operational and design issues that significantly influence the quality of residential services to youthful populations" is provided. Topics discussed include: analysis of need; safety, security, and management priorities; environmental character; daily programming activities and opportunities; planning and design process; and helpful hints.... Read More
24 p.
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Competency Profile of Juvenile Facility Administrator
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Juvenile facility administrators are responsible for all facets of the care custody, and treatment services to committed youth. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of juvenile facility administrators. It also summarizes the traits and attributes; resources and equipment; and knowledge and skills needed to enter this profession.... Read More
6 p.
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Competency Profile of Juvenile Detention Director/Superintendent
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Juvenile detention directors/superintendents are responsible for managing all operations of a juvenile detention facility and its related programs. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of juvenile detention directors/superintendents. It also summarizes the traits and attributes; equipment and resources; and knowledge and skills needed for this profession.... Read More
6 p.
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Competency Profile of State Director of Juvenile Correctional Services
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
The state director of juvenile correctional services is responsible for directing the implementation of the agency's mission and all aspects of state juvenile correctional services. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of the state director of juvenile correctional services. It also summarizes the traits and attributes; education/experience; equipment; and knowledge and skills needed to enter this profession.... Read More
4 p.

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