U.S. Department of Justice

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The Shift Length Experiment: What We Know about 8-, 10-, and 12-hour Shifts in Policing
Police Foundation (Washington, DC).
While this research focused on policing, the results are applicable to correctional settings. “The Police Foundation experiment was designed to test the impacts of three shift lengths (8-, 10-, and 12-hour) on performance, health, safety, quality of life, sleep, fatigue, alertness, off-duty employment, and overtime among police … The study found some distinct advantages of 10-hour shifts and identified some disadvantages associated with 12-hour shifts that are concerning. It is important that ag... Read More

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Examining Growth in the Federal Prison Population, 1998 to 2010
By Mallik-Kane, Kamala; Parthasaranthy, Barbara; Adams, William. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
This “analysis describes how the size and composition of the federal prison population have changed over time and apportions this population growth into shares associated with the different stages of the criminal justice process that determine who is sent to prison and the duration of their incarceration … The increase in expected time served by drug offenders was the single greatest contributor to growth in the federal prison population between 1998 and 2010” (p. 3). Sections of this report inc... Read More

34 pages
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Engaging Women in Trauma-Informed Peer Support: A Guidebook
By Blanch, Andrea; Filson, Beth; Penney, Darby; Cave, Cathy. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (Rockville, MD). National Association of State Mental Heath Program Directors (NASMHPD) (Falls Church, VA); Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) (Sudbury, MA).
The fundamentals, cultural considerations, and actions to be taken to address trauma through peer support are explained. “This guide was created for a very specific purpose: to help make trauma-informed peer support available to women who are trauma survivors and who receive or have received mental health and/or substance abuse services. It is designed as a resource for peer supporters in these or other settings who want to learn how to integrate trauma-informed principles into their relationshi... Read More
96 pages
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It's About Time: Prevention and Intervention Services for Gang-Affiliated Girls
By Wolf, Angela; Gutierrez, Livier. National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
“This NCCD Focus highlights the vulnerabilities and consequences of gang involvement for girls, the service needs of girls in gangs and girls at risk of joining gangs, as well as the importance of addressing these service needs as a critical gang violence-prevention strategy. It also provides examples of how various programs are currently addressing the gender-specific service needs of girls involved in gangs” (p. 1). Sections of this publication include: introduction; risk factors and costs for... Read More
8 pages
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Ten Truths that Matter When Working with Justice Involved Women
By Ney, Becki, editor; Ramirez, Rachelle, editor; Dieten, Marilyn van, editor. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women (Washington, DC).
“This document reviews ten truths about justice involved women—gleaned from the research over the last few decades —that must be recognized if we are to successfully manage this population, achieve greater reductions in recidivism, and improve public safety outcomes. It is our hope that by understanding these truths, criminal justice policymakers and practitioners will be more aware of gender differences and take steps to enhance their approaches to managing justice involved women” (p. iii). So... Read More
22 pages
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Health, Justice, Women: Transforming Systems--Changing Lives [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Women and girls enter the criminal justice system with distinct and unique health care needs. Most are in their child bearing years, may have children, many are victims of abuse, have a mental health diagnosis, or typically exhibit more misconduct than male offenders. This complex mix of needs affects a system's ability to work effectively as it draws upon a higher percentage of resources to care for female offenders. During this national discussion held on August 15, 2012, participants will ... Read More
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Female Sex Offenders
“Female sex offenders is an area demanding much more research and education as we are beginning to realize the depth and breadth of the problem. Public awareness is desperately needed, but awareness that avoids the sensationalism that often accompanies this topic. We hope this site can be of some help in doing just that.” Points of entry include: information for survivors; resources including “Top Ten Myths About Female Sex Offenders”; bibliography of various research studies and publications;... Read More
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Webinar Archive: Women Engaged in the Criminal Justice System
By Ramirez, Rachelle; Gehring, Krista S.. Council of State Government. Justice Center (New York, NY); Council of State Government. Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project (New York, NY).
This webinar “discussed the current research and best practices related to the successful management and treatment of women in the criminal justice system … with a particular focus on behavioral health. The webinar also included a discussion about gender-specific criminogenic risk and need assessment tools, as well as the importance of responsivity for females." This website provides access to a recording of the webinar and the accompanying slides.... Read More
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Girls’ Experiences in the Texas Juvenile Justice System: 2012 Survey Finding
Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC) (Austin, TX).
Survey results show the degree to which trauma affects girls at the Ron Jackson Juvenile Correctional Complex. Sections of this report include: key findings and recommendations; trauma, mental health, and hope—responses and recommendations; safety responses and recommendations; top issues for youth; most helpful for the future; least helpful; and the one thing they could change if they could. Therapeutic programs are the best way to help girls to succeed in the future. The majority of girls feel... Read More
18 pages
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Improving Access to Services for Female Offenders Returning to the Community
By Garcia, Marie; Ritter, Nancy. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
This 'evaluation of re-entry services for female offenders shows that increasing access can lead to modest improvements in key areas' (p. 1). Topics discussed include: the use of SVORI (Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative) to gauge the need of female offenders re-entering communities; outcomes for SVORI women and non-SVORI women such as employment and substance use; implications for policy and practice'provision and delivery of post-release services; and where to go from here.... Read More
5 pages
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Improving Law Enforcement Responses to Adolescent Girls
By Yeres, Susan; Holmberg, Meg. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) (Washington, DC). U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) (Washington, DC).
'The purpose of this resource is to improve outcomes when interacting with adolescent girls by providing some reasons why girls often behave differently from boys, and tips on how to approach situations involving girls in a way that will lead to the best possible outcome for them and ensure public safety' (p. 1). Sections discuss: the reasons for focusing on girls; how this resource will help you; importance for law enforcement; alternatives to arrest and detention'the benefits for girls; four t... Read More
7 pages
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Community Corrections Automated Case Management Procurement Guide with Bid Specifications, Version 1.0
By Matz, Adam K.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) (Lexington, KY); Council of State Government (Lexington, KY).
'The following [publication] offers guidance to those tasked with the procurement of an automated information solution (e.g., case management system) for a community corrections agency. Currently there is a lack of concise literature to assist probation or parole agencies looking to procure or build systems that will support both their internal needs and their external information sharing needs ' Herein the process of planning and procuring a system is streamlined for the probation and/or parole... Read More
145 pages
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Community Corrections Automated Case Management Procurement Guide with Bid Specifications, Version 1.0
By Matz, Adam K.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) (Lexington, KY); Council of State Government (Lexington, KY).
'The following [publication] offers guidance to those tasked with the procurement of an automated information solution (e.g., case management system) for a community corrections agency. Currently there is a lack of concise literature to assist probation or parole agencies looking to procure or build systems that will support both their internal needs and their external information sharing needs ' Herein the process of planning and procuring a system is streamlined for the probation and/or parole... Read More
145 pages
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Fact Sheet: Emerging Findings and Policy Implications from the Pathways to Desistance Study
National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) (Washington, DC).
'The Pathways to Desistance study is a large, multi-site, collaborative project that follows over 1,300 youth ages 14-18 for seven years after their convictions. All youth who participated in the study were considered 'serious offenders'; many had multiple prior court cases and had just received a conviction for a serious charge'almost exclusively felonies'including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and sex offenses in either the juvenile or adult system. This fact sheet provides recent findi... Read More
4 pages
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Fact Sheet: Emerging Findings and Policy Implications from the Pathways to Desistance Study
National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) (Washington, DC).
'The Pathways to Desistance study is a large, multi-site, collaborative project that follows over 1,300 youth ages 14-18 for seven years after their convictions. All youth who participated in the study were considered 'serious offenders'; many had multiple prior court cases and had just received a conviction for a serious charge'almost exclusively felonies'including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and sex offenses in either the juvenile or adult system. This fact sheet provides recent findi... Read More
4 pages
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What Works for Female Children and Adolescents: Lessons from Experimental Evaluations of Programs and Interventions
By Bell, Kelly; Terzian, Mary A.; Moore, Kristin A.. Child Trends (Washington, DC).
'Girls face unique developmental challenges in childhood and adolescence. Compared to boys, girls tend to report more mental health problems, and they are susceptible to reproductive health risks, such as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. While a number of evidence-based programs have been found to be effective at reducing risk factors for children and adolescents, many programs have differential impacts for girls and boys. Understanding what works for girls is critical to imp... Read More
23 pages
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What Works for Male Children and Adolescents: Lessons from Experimental Evaluations of Programs and Interventions
By BANDY, tAWANA. Child Trends (Washington, DC).
'As young people transition through childhood to adolescence, they often face developmental challenges that can impede their quest to become flourishing, healthy adults. While both males and females experience difficulties, there are certain risk factors to which males are more susceptible. Compared with females, males tend to be more likely to drop out of school, engage in delinquency, use alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and act out. They are also less likely than females to go to college. While a n... Read More
28 pages
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Civil Liability for Wrongful Detention of Detainees and Prisoners [Part 1 and 2]
Americans for Effective Law Enforcement, Inc (AELE). Civil Liability and Jail and Prisoner Law Sections (Chicago, IL).
'The very essence of what jails and prisons do is keep detainees and prisoners in custody. Individuals are booked into such facilities on the basis of arrests, court orders, or judicial sentences. In some instances, however, detainees or prisoners claim that they are being held on the basis of mistaken identity, unlawfully beyond the term of their authorized sentence, past the date of a court ordered release, or on the basis of a miscalculation of the amount of time they have left to serve. In s... Read More
16 pages
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Prison Litigation Reform Act: Exhaustion of Remedies [Part 1 and 2]
Americans for Effective Law Enforcement, Inc (AELE). Civil Liability and Jail and Prisoner Law Sections (Chicago, IL).
'It was with the hope of reducing the filing of frivolous litigation, of allowing correctional officials an enhanced opportunity to remedy problems before facing the burdens of litigation, and lightening the load on the courts by full utilization of the various grievance and other administrative processes already available in prisons and jails, that Congress enacted the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) ' The subject of this article is the requirement, in 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1997e of the PLRA, that... Read More
16 pages
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Voices From the Field: Findings From the NGI Listening Sessions
By Ravoira, L.; Patino Lydia, V.; Graziano, J.; Glesmann, C.; Baker, P.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). NCCD Center for Girls and Young Women (Jacksonville, FL); National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
'NGI [National Girls Institute] representatives conducted 64 'listening sessions' across the country. One of the most critical aims of the listening sessions was to assess the current training, technical assistance, and informational needs of state, tribal, and local entities serving girls and their families. Through the listening sessions, the NGI also sought to identify strategies and practices that work best with girls'and those that are ineffective or even harmful' to inform development of s... Read More
32 pages
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Process and Systems Change Evaluation Findings from the Transition to Jail Community Initiative
By Willison, Janeen Buck; Jannetta, Jesse; Dodd, Hannah; Neusteter, S. Rebecca; Warwick, Kevin; Greer, Kaitlin; Matthews, Andrea. Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“In the past decade, attention to the challenges associated with people exiting state and federal prisons has increased tremendously. This increased attention is for good reason, as the impact of prisoner reentry on the well-being of individuals, families, and communities is well documented. Yet for every person released from prison annually, approximately 12 people exit local jails … NIC [National Institute of Corrections] launched the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative in 2007 ... Read More

149 pages
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The Growth & Increasing Cost of the Federal Prison System: Drivers and Potential Solutions
By La Vigne, Nancy; Samuels, Julie. Public Welfare Foundation (Washington, DC). Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
This publication looks at the dramatic growth in the inmate population of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and provides “options for stemming future growth that are consistent with public safety goals: (p. 1). Topics discussed include: BOP projection of continued growth; incarceration in federal prisons is expensive—on average $26,000 per year per inmate compared to probation supervision at $3400 per offender in the community; BOP growth creating increased opportunity costs—an increase of 4.2% f... Read More

8 pages
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Improving Access to Services for Female Offenders Returning to the Community
By Garcia, Marie; Ritter, Nancy. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
“As a group, women are often overlooked with regard to re-entry programming, and results from the recent evaluation of the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) showed that adult females reported a significantly higher need for services than men. This finding highlights a thread running through the re-entry literature that suggests a disconnect between the services individuals need to facilitate a successful re-entry into their community and the services they receive” (p. 18). ... Read More
6 pages
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National Girls Institute
U.S. Dept of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). National Girls Institute (Jacksonville, FL).
If you are looking for specific information about girls involved in the juvenile justice system, then this should be your first stop. The National Girls Institute (NGI) “is a research-based training and resource clearinghouse designed to advance understanding of girls’ issues and improve program and system responses to girls in the juvenile justice system”. Points of entry include: I work with girls; I’m a parent/caregiver; I’m a girl; and I want to know more. Resources are organized according t... Read More
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National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women: NRCJIW
National Resource Center on Justice-Involved Women (Silver Spring, MD).
"The National Resource Center on Justice-Involved Women was established to assist practitioners in understanding and applying the lessons learned from research, promising practices, and the insights of justice-involved women themselves, as practitioners strive to transform the criminal justice system into one that is more gender-responsive – and ultimately more effective. " Points of entry to this website include: about NRCJIW; technical assistance; links to various resources; news; and innovato... Read More
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Statistics on Women Offenders
By Sipes, Leonard A., Jr.. corrections.com (Quincy, MA).
Statistics related to female offenders are provided and organized according to: state and federal prisoners; prison, jail, and community supervision; previous years; HIV; mental health; physical or sexual abuse; physical or sexual violence; women offenders and children; drug use; family violence; and returning home (reentry).... Read More
2 pages
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Girls in Minnesota Correctional Facilities: Responses to the 2010 Minnesota Student Survey
By Swayze, Dana; Buskovick, Danette. Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety. Office of Justice Programs. Statistical Analysis Center (St. Paul, MN).
“This report seeks to illuminate statistically significant differences in responses between girls and boys in correctional facilities; to explore how these data are relevant to research on juvenile justice risk factors by gender; and to provide research-based recommendations for serving the specific needs of juvenile female offenders” (p. 2). Sections following an executive summary are: introduction; findings for girls in Minnesota correctional facilities according to demographics, victimization... Read More
46 pages
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A Descriptive Profile of Older Women Offenders
By Greiner. Leigh; Allenby, Kim. Correctional Service of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario).
A descriptive profile of the older female offender in Canada is presented. It offers a valuable comparison to the incarceration of older female offenders in the United States. Results from the study are organized according to: descriptive profile—older women offenders in institutions, under community supervision, and release types; risk, needs, and motivation of older women offenders—criminogenic needs and domains , overall risk, motivation, reintegration potential; other issues—institutional mi... Read More
29 pages
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Women and Trauma: A Working Document
Federal Partners Committee on Women and Trauma (Washington, DC).
Individuals concerned with violence perpetrated against women and girls in our society need to read this report. A new way to address trauma in any setting, called trauma-informed care, is described, noting that it is “a way for different agencies and groups to come together around a common concern…The report provides an introduction to the key issues facing each participating agency, with statistics documenting the impact of violence against women and girls on their mission and information on h... Read More
79 pages
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An Examination of Admissions, Exits and End-of-the-Year Populations of Adult Female Inmates in the Illinois Department of Corrections, State Fiscal Years 1989 – 2011
By Olson, David E.; Escobar, Gipsy; Stalans, Loretta. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (Chicago, IL); Loyola University Chicago. Dept. of Criminal Justice and Criminology (Chicago, IL).
Trends seen over a 23 year period for Illinois’ female inmate population are described. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; total admission, exits, and end of the year population of females; distinguishing between court admission and technical violation of MSR (mandatory supervised release) admissions; female court admissions by felony class and crime type; characteristics of female prison admissions; differences between admissions and end-of-the-year populations; reci... Read More
33 pages
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Sexual Offending
This publication provides a great introduction to issues surrounding juvenile sex offenders. Topics covered include: characteristics of male and female juvenile sexual offenders; comorbidity; assessment'clinical assessment and assessment of the juvenile's home or living arrangement; treatments'recommended components, promising treatment approaches, and other treatment related information; and controversial treatments.... Read More
9 pages
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Sexual Offending
This publication provides a great introduction to issues surrounding juvenile sex offenders. Topics covered include: characteristics of male and female juvenile sexual offenders; comorbidity; assessment'clinical assessment and assessment of the juvenile's home or living arrangement; treatments'recommended components, promising treatment approaches, and other treatment related information; and controversial treatments.... Read More
9 pages
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The Efficacy of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Framework in Guiding Treatment for Female Young Offenders
By Vitopoulos, Antigone Nina.
It is believed that the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) framework is gender-neutral'that it works the same for male and female juvenile offenders. This report examines whether the RNR framework really does work equally well for male and female youth. This determines: whether RNR based YLS/CMI (Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory) clinician-identified needs are different for boy and girls; if the clinician-identified needs of boys and girls are matched by probation services at identical... Read More
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Addressing the Needs of Women and Girls: Developing Core Competencies for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service Professionals
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Rockville, MD). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Rockville, MD).
“The Core Competency Report is intended to serve as a companion and complement to existing professional competencies and program standards in mental health and substance abuse services … [and] was created as a tool to help develop the workforce serving women and girls; its intent is to offer the filed a framework that can be tailored and adapted to meet multiple needs” (p. 3). Sections of this document include: introduction; need for core competencies when working with women and girls; the compe... Read More
43 pages
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Study of Incarcerated Women and Their Children
By Sharp, Susan; Pain, Emily. Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth (Oklahoma City, OK).
The experiences of female inmates, their children, and the present caregivers of those children are examined. Any review of the problems women inmates and their children experience should include this report. Three sections are contained in this document: female prisoners—demographics, criminal histories, family histories, mental health histories, drug abuse histories, children, and concerns and recommendations from the women; caregivers of the children of female prisoners—backgrounds of the inc... Read More
39 pages
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The Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Reentry: Challenges for African-American Women
By Brown, Geneva. American Constitution Society (ACS) (Washington, DC).
Individuals that work with African-American female offenders will find this publication of use. The challenges African-American women offenders must contend with that other populations do not have to cope with are discussed. This brief is divided into these sections: mass incarceration and the African-American community—the war on drugs created mass incarceration and reentry policies and challenges; intersectionality and problems for reentry of African-American women offenders—intersectionality,... Read More
18 pages
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Boys Town Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Girls
By Cohen, Marcia I.; Gies, Stephen V.; Williams, Katherine; Gainey, Randy; Bekelman, Alan; Yeide, Martha. National Institute of Justice. Office of Research and Evaluation (Washington, DC). Development Services Group, Inc. (Bethesda, MD).
Those people involved with or interested in issues related to girl offenders should be aware of this research. The effectiveness of the Boys Town Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Girls is assessed. This is one of the few studies focusing on short-term care facilities for girls. Five sections follow an abstract and executive study: background of the evaluation and the nature of the problem; methods; process evaluation and descriptive statistics; outcome evaluation findings; and concl... Read More
379 pasges
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Process and Outcome Evaluation of the STAR (Sisters Together Achieving Recovery) Program
By Watson, Lanette; Adkins, Geneva; Cook, Michelle D.; Stageberg, Paul. U.S. Dept. of Justice (Washington, DC). Iowa Dept. of Human Rights. Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (Des Moines, IA).
The effectiveness of the STAR (Sisters Together Achieving Recovery) Program to reduce recidivism and substance use in female offenders is determined. This evaluation provides a description of the program and lessons learned that may be useful for agencies contemplating the use of such an initiative. Sections in addition to an executive summary are: introduction; literature review; methodology; program description; staff interviews; demographics; interventions and substance abuse treatment and mo... Read More
77 pages
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A Qualitative Study of Self-Injurious Behaviour in Women Offenders
By Power, Jenelle; Usher, Amelia. Correctional Service of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario).
Factors associated with non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are examined. NSSI “may be defined as the deliberate destruction of body tissue without suicidal intent and for purposes not socially sanctioned and may include behaviours such as cutting, ligature use, burning, hitting, swallowing sharp or indigestible objects, inserting and removing objects, and head banging” (p. iii). Results and related discussion presented in this report surround: motivations for engaging in NSSI; emotions experienced ... Read More
55 pages
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Girls' Delinquency
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Those people working with girls involved in the juvenile justice system need to be aware of the resources offered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). This agency has taken great strides in addressing the increasing delinquency of girls. OJJDP conducts research and provides programming, publications, training and technical assistance, and online resources.... Read More
4 p.
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Suitability of Assessment Instruments for Delinquent Girls
By Brumbaugh, Susan; Walters, Jennifer L. Hardison; Winterfield, Laura A.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Individuals tasked with (or others just interested in) implementing an effective screening process for juvenile females need to read this bulletin. “The purpose of this report is to determine the extent to which assessment instruments used with at-risk and justice-involved youth are equally appropriate and effective in assessing girls and boys” (p. 2). This report is comprised of sections about: background and methods; examining two categories of instruments—risk assessment and treatment-focused... Read More
12 p.
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Gender Responsiveness and Equity in California’s Juvenile Justice System
Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice (BCCJ) (Berkeley, CA).
“The purpose of this brief is to highlight how girls enter the [juvenile justice] system, describe some of the key differences between delinquent girls and delinquent boys, and offer recommendations for ways in which California’s juvenile justice system can better meet the needs of girls under its jurisdiction” (p. 1). Topics discussed in this report include: prostitution, felonies, misdemeanors, drug and liquor law violations, status offenses, trauma and family dysfunction, substance abuse, men... Read More
13 pages
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Employment and Female Offenders: An Update of the Empirical Research
By Flower, Shawn M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“The purpose of this bulletin is to explore the literature and summarize the empirical evidence related to the impact of employment on the criminal behavior of women” (p. 2). Sections comprising this publication are: female offender demographics; barriers to employment—overview, the role of the family and the community, time-management skills, and the role of agency; correctional education and vocational programs—education programs, vocational/technical programs, overall effectiveness of these p... Read More
24 pages
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Getting the Facts Straight about Girls in the Juvenile Justice System
NCCD Center for Girls and Young Women (Oakland, CA); National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
“Straightforward facts are [provided that are] critical to establishing policies and practices that will lead to the equitable treatment of girls and young women” (p. 1). Topics addressed include: the fastest growing juvenile justice population are girls; girls enter the system sooner than boys; offense type and severity; race and ethnicity; sexual orientation; abuse and victimization; emotional and mental health; and family issues.... Read More
10 pages
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Mental Health, Abuse, Drug Use and Crime: Does Gender Matter?
By Forsythe, Lubica; Adams, Kerryn. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra, ACT).
The relationship between mental health, drug use, offending, and abuse as a child is examined. Groupings investigated include: mental abuse among police detainees, mental illness and drug use and offending, and childhood abuse and drug use and offending. Results show that female detainees are more likely than males to use “Hard” drugs (i.e., heroin and amphetamines), be arrested for property crimes, and possess a stronger relationship between drug use, offending and being abused as a child.... Read More
6 p.
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Women, Drug Use and Crime: Findings from the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia Program
By Loxley, Wendy; Adams, Kerryn. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra, ACT).
The relationship between drug abuse and crime for female and male police detainees, prisoners, and the general Australian population is examined. Sections contained in this report include: executive summary; introduction; methodology; results for socio-demographic characteristics, current and recent offending, alcohol and other drug use and dependence, alcohol, relationship between drug use and crime, indigenous women, drug and alcohol treatment, and mental health issues; conclusion; and glossa... Read More
43 p.
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Examining At-Risk and Delinquent Girls in Illinois
By Bostwick, Lindsay; Ashley, Jessica. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC); Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (Springfield, IL). Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (Chicago, IL).
An "overview on data available on individual, family, and school risk factors for girls in Illinois" is provided (p. i). Topics discussed following an executive summary include: girls at risk for delinquency; girls in the Illinois juvenile justice system; and gender-specific programming.... Read More
87 p.
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Women on the Outside: Understanding the Experiences of Female Prisoners Returning to Houston, Texas
By La Vigne, Nancy G.; Brooks, Lisa E.; Shollenberger, Tracey L.. Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
The experiences of female offenders reentering Houston communities are relayed. Sections contained in this report include: overview of the female reentry experience; demographic characteristics; family status; pre-prison history; state prisons versus state jails; prison experiences; expectations for release; basic needs and support -- housing, employment, and financial support; post-release housing arrangements -- first night out and 8 to 10 months after release; employment levels by gender -- ... Read More
17 p.
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Juvenile Justice: Technical Assistance and Better Defined Evaluation Plans Will Help to Improve Girls' Delinquency Programs
By Larence, Eileen Regen. U.S. Government Accountability Office (Washington, DC).
The efforts of the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to determine the effectiveness of girls’ delinquency programs are evaluated. Topics discussed include: results in brief; background; OJJDP established the Girls Study Group to assess the effectiveness of girls’ delinquency programs; OJJDP efforts to assess program effectiveness were consistent with social science practices and standards, and OJJDP has taken action to enhance its communication about Study Group ... Read More
27 p.
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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Programs related to women involved with the criminal justice system are displayed by state. Information given (if provided) for each program listed are program description, agency information, program contact, related programs, who is helped, and additional information (i.e., stages of criminal justice, areas of service, keywords, program evaluation, and published curriculum availability.... Read More
1 p.
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Violence & Victimization Research Division's Compendium of Research on Violence Against Women 1993-2009
By Curtis, Yolanda L.; Rosen, Leora N.; Fontaine, Jocelyn; Gaskin-Laniyan, Nicole D.; Price, Candice. National Institute of Justice. Office of Research and Evaluation (Washington, DC); National Institute of Justice. Victim and Victimization (V&V) Research Division (Washington, DC).
Information is provided regarding National Institute of Justice (NIJ) research conducted on violence against women. Entries present report number, author, amount spent, principal investigator NIJ monitor, and status of project. Items are organized into the following areas: justice and related systems; definition and measurement; epidemiology; social and cultural context; trafficking in persons; VAWA (Violence Against Women Act); synthesis of existing information; and NIJ jointly funded projects... Read More
175 p.
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Maine's Women Offenders: What Do We Know?
By King, Erica. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Southern Maine. Muskie School of Public Service (Portland, ME).
“This study provides a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of women entering Maine’s probation system from 2004 to 2006, and examines the factors contributing to recidivism, defined as an arrest for a new crime (misdemeanor or felony) while under probation supervision” (p. 2). Tabulations of findings are presented for: characteristics of sample; returning County of Maine women probationer sample; Maine characteristics of Maine women probationer sample; risk level by year entering probati... Read More
16 p.
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Female Victims of Violence
By Catalano, Shannan; Smith, Erica; Snyder, Howard; Rand, Michael. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
“This report provides the current findings on nonfatal and fatal violent crimes against females” (p. 1). Statistics are organized according to: nonfatal intimate partner violence; trends in nonfatal intimate partner violence; fatal intimate partner violence; trends in fatal intimate partner violence; children who witness violence; characteristics of rape/sexual assault; trends in rape/sexual assault; and characteristics of stalking; and definitions of violent crimes. The rates of nonfatal and ... Read More
7 p.
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Poly-Victimization Among Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: Manifestations & Associations to Delinquency
By DeHart, Dana D.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). University of South Carolina. Center for Child and Family Studies (Columbia, SC).
The poli-victimization, the simultaneous experience of several different types of victimization in separate incidents, of juvenile girls is examined. Results are presented for: participants; girls’ experiences of victimization and adversity; girls’ crime and delinquency; and association of victimization and adversity to crime and delinquency. “Of the five major categories of victimization [caregiver, gang, dating, sexual, and witnessing], witnessing violence demonstrated the most consistent asso... Read More
52 p.
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Disadvantaged Information Users: Prison Case Study
By Moffat, Liz. FUMSI (Ashford, England).
The creation and implementation of a readers’ development project in Cornton Vale, a female prison in Scotland, are described. “The aim of the program is to promote creative reading within the prison and to develop reading amongst the women and their families” (p. 2). This is achieved through open activities, library drop-in, Story-Sacks, Friday’s Book Group, Dairy Corner, Movie Discussion, Exploring Poetry, and Quick Reads Book Group.... Read More
4 p.
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Outcome Evaluation of the Women Offender Case Management Model in Connecticut Probation
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Orbis Partners, Inc. (Ottawa, Ontario).
“The outcome evaluation [for the Women Offender Case Management Model (WOCMM) implemented in Connecticut probation] focuses on determining whether participation in the project reduces future involvement in the criminal justice system as measured by recidivism over a fixed length follow-up period. The outcome evaluation employs a comparison group to determine if participants have more positive outcomes than a group of women with similar characteristics who were not exposed to the model” (p. 1). R... Read More
17 p.
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Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Division of Services Improvement. Quality Improvement and Workforce Development Branch (Rockville, MD).
“This TIP endorses a biopsychosociocultural framework based on clinical practice and research centered on women. By placing emphasis on the importance of context, many topics examine the role of factors that influence women’s substance use from initiation of use to engagement of continuing care treatment services, i.e., relationships, gender socialization, and culture. The knowledge and models presented here are grounded in women’s experiences, built on women’s strengths, and based on best, prom... Read More
390 pages
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“What Works” for Female Probationers? An Evaluation of the Moving On Program
By Gehring, Krista S.; Van Voorhis, Patricia; Bell, Valerie R.. University of Cincinnati. Division of Criminal Justice (Cincinnati, OH).
The effectiveness of the Moving On program is evaluated. Moving On is a gender-responsive, cognitive behavioral program for women probationers. Sections of this report include: program description; data and study design; sample; outcome measures; results for rearrests, convictions, incarcerations, and technical violations; effects of program completion on rearrests, convictions, incarcerations, and technical violations; and implications of the findings. “The findings from this study indicate th... Read More
16 pages
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Resilient Girls -- Factors That Protect Against Delinquency
By Hawkins, Stephanie R.; Graham, Phillip W.; Williams, Jason; Zahn, Margaret A.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Girls Study Group (Washington, DC).
This "Bulletin examines a select number of factors that research suggests may 'protect' girls who are at risk for becoming delinquent" (p. 2) Sections contained in this publication include: background -- developing the study; the current study; findings according to protective factors and female delinquency, effects of protective factors on delinquent or criminal behavior, and how childhood risk factors and protective factors in adolescence interact to produce or prevent delinquent behavior; st... Read More
14 p.
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Women's Voices: Advocacy by Criminal Justice-Involved Women
By Villanueva, Chandra; From, Sarah B.. Open Society Institute-New York (New York, NY). Women's Prison Association and Home, Inc. Institute on Women and Criminal Justice (New York, NY).
Eleven groups of incarcerated and/or formerly incarcerated women that are working for criminal justice system reform are profiled. These groups are: Alabama Women's Resource Network/Long-Timers; Women's Re-Entry Network (AZ); A New Way of Life Reentry Project (CA); The Center for Young Women's Development (CA); Visible Voices (IL); Power Inside (MD); ReConnect (NY); Women of Substance (NY); Women On the Rise Telling HerStory (NY); Women's Advocacy Project (NY); and Women Evolving (VT).... Read More
18 p.
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Detained and Dismissed: Women's Struggles to Obtain Health Care in United States Immigration Detention
Human Rights Watch (New York, NY).
The finding that "ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] policies unduly deprive women of basic health services" is explained (p. 1). This report is divided into seven parts: summary; methodology; background; findings -- overarching problems in the medical system affecting women's care -- delays and denials of testing and treatment, obstacles to obtaining medical care, distortions of the doctor-patient relationship, detrimental and unnecessary use of restraints and strip searches, discontinu... Read More
78 p.
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Women and Work: Gender Responsivity and Workforce Development
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 24-25, 2008]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This training program presents strategies for making women offender workplace development programs more responsive to their clients. Topics include:
    • Emerging evidence-based gender responsive practices
    • Information strategies and case management models
    • Career theories and assessment tools
    • Collaborative relationships that support effective reentry
    • How a history of criminal convictions impacts job search efforts
    • Women Offender Case Management Model (WOCMM)
    • Strengths and nee... Read More

    4 DVDs (353 min) + 1 CD
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    Achieving Accurate Pictures of Risk and Identifying Gender Responsive Needs: Two New Assessments for Women Offenders
    By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Salisbury, Emily; Wright, Emily; Bauman, Ashley. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The development of new risk/needs assessments specifically designed for female offenders is discussed. This report is comprised of these sections:
    • The case for women's needs;
    • Development of new assessments;
    • Construction validation research;
    • Full instruments;
    • Implementation considerations;
    • Obtaining the gender-responsive assessments;
    • And conclusion.
    ... Read More
    26 p.
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    Gender Responsive Classification Instruments for Women Offenders: What Do They Look Like and How Will They Improve Practice? [Lesson Plan]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This two-hour training session is for correctional managers wanting to implement risk and needs assessments for adult female offenders. Participants will: become familiar with gender-responsive assessments and approaches; and receive information regarding the adoption of the Women’s Risk and Needs Assessment instrument. Topics discussed include: evidence-based practice; risk/needs assessment; gender-neutral risk assessment; women offenders; gender-responsive concepts; risk assessment validation;... Read More

    12 p.
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    Gender-Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment, Final Report
    By Wright, Emily; Van Voorhis, Patricia; Bauman, Ashley; Salisbury, Emily. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
    Results are provided from an evaluation of the gender-responsive risk/needs assessment used by Minnesota, the LSI-R (Level of Service Inventory-Revised), and a supplement called the "trailer". Sections comprising this report include: project history; women offenders and risk assessment; study methodology; results; construction of the final trailer instrument; treatment and policy implications; implementation considerations; and conclusion.... Read More
    117 p.
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    A Gender Responsive Risk Assessment for Women Offenders: Results for the Missouri Department of Corrections Probation, Prison, and Pre-Release Samples
    By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Salisbury, Emily; Wright, Emily; Bauman, Ashley; Holsinger, Kristi. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
    Results are reported for an evaluation of a stand alone risk/needs assessment instrument for female offenders developed for the Missouri Department of Corrections. Sections of this document include: gender responsive needs; Missouri Project history; methodology; analyses of findings; implementation issues; and conclusion.... Read More
    100 p.
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    Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2007: Promising Strategies in Transition from Prison
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Issue contents are: “Foreword” by Kermit Humphries; “An Overview of NIC’s Transition from Prison to the Community Initiative” by Peggy B. Burke; “Rising to the Challenge of Applying Evidence-Based Practices Across the Spectrum of a State Parole Board” by Sherry Tate and Catherine C. McVey; “Collaboration and Partnership in the Community: Advancing the Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative” by Le’Ann Duran; “Providing Tools for Risk Reduction Case Management in Parole and Community Corrections” by... Read More
    74 p.
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    Gender-Responsive Reentry in Rhode Island: A Long and Winding Road
    By Derrick, Bree. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Gender-responsive offender reentry efforts for female offenders in Rhode Island are discussed. Sections contained in this article are: introduction; reentry -- a statewide focus; women's issues past and present; consciously implementing a gender-responsive approach -- assessments, program examination and updates, and field services; and challenges in reentry.... Read More
    6 p.
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    Juvenile Female Offenders: How Do You Meet Their Needs In Your Juvenile Justice Setting? [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Meeting the needs of juvenile female offenders is discussed during this 1.5-hour training session. Topics covered include: introduction to the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) collaboration; current perspective -- research into juvenile female offender practice; current research -- a look at the work of OJJDPs Girls Study Group; NICs approach to address the issue; curriculum excerpt from NIC/OJJDPs Meeting the Needs of Juv... Read More
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    Women Offender Case Management Model
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Orbis Partners, Inc. (Ottawa, Ontario).
    The gender-responsive Women Offender Case Management Model (WOCMM) is described. This document covers: the history of the project; philosophy and core practices; process incorporating four core elements (e.g., engage and assess, enhance motivation, implement the case plan, and review progress); preparing for implementation; and evaluation.... Read More
    66 p.
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    Gender Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment, Final Report
    By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Salisbury, Emily; Bauman, Ashley; Wright, Emily . National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
    Results from the Gender-Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment Project for Maui CARE are provided. Maui CARE is an "interagency collaboration with the communities of Maui, Molokai, and Lanai to improve criminal justice responses and outcomes for women and their families" (p. 9). This report contains sections about: project history; supporting research; study methodology; results; construction of the final trailer; summary of implementation considerations; and summary of policy implications.... Read More
    75 p.
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    Meeting the Needs of Female Juvenile Offenders [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    This 38-hour course is designed to help juvenile justice agencies evaluate and respond to the needs of juvenile female offenders in their specific service delivery areas. It outlines a framework for translating expressed needs and profiles into appropriate programs and services. Eight sections comprise this manual:
    • Introduction;
    • Defining the context of juvenile female offender issues within the juvenile justice system;
    • Defining the context of juvenile female issues within your juven... Read More

    Document preview
    Women Offender Transition and Reentry: Gender Responsive Approaches to Transitioning Women Offenders from Prison to the Community
    By Berman, Judith. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD).
    "This document summarizes the work on gender responsive approaches to women offenders in the context of the TPC [Transition from Prison to Community] Initiative, a system-wide approach to facilitating more effective transition of offenders from prison to the community" (p. 37). Sections comprising this report are: introduction; the need for gender responsiveness; women and transition -- assessment, behavior and programming, release preparation, release preparation; release, supervision and serv... Read More
    44 p.
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    A Summary of Research, Practice, and Guiding Principles for Women Offenders. The Gender-Responsive Strategies Project: Approach and Findings
    By Bloom, Barbara; Owen, Barbara; Covington, Stephanie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Reviews information on gender-specific policies, programs, and services in corrections. Topics covered by this bulletin include: the Gender-Responsive Strategies Project -- approach and findings; defining gender responsiveness; national profile of women offenders; the foundation for the principles a new vision -- six guiding principles for a gender-responsive criminal justice system; general strategies for implementing guiding principles; gender-responsive policy elements; and conclusion -- add... Read More
    12 p.
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    Systemic Criminal Justice Planning: Improving Responses to Women Offenders in Hamilton County, Ohio
    By Berman, Judy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The use of systemic criminal justice planning by Hamilton County (OH) to improve services and programming for women offenders is reviewed. This bulletin is comprised of the following sections: introduction; the systemic planning process; members of the Intermediate Sanctions for Women Offenders Policy Team; steps in the collaborative systemic planning process (chart); how decision mapping works; sample findings and results; the Alternative Interventions for Women (AIW) Treatment Program; and le... Read More
    15 p.
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    Classification of Women Offenders: Gender-Responsive Approach to Risk/Needs Assessment
    By Van Voorhis, Patricia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
    An overview of the work done by collaborative partnerships to design and validate gender-responsive risk and needs assessments for female offenders is provided. This article discusses issues surrounding female offender classification and the current National Institute of Corrections (NIC) study regarding gender-responsive approaches to risk and needs assessment.... Read More
    8 p.
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    Developing Gender-Specific Classification Systems for Women Offenders
    By Hardyman, Patricia L.; Van Voorhis, Patricia. National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC). George Washington University. Institute on Crime, Justice and Corrections (Washington, DC); University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    A report which highlights the results of two cooperative agreements from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) addressing the critical need for gender-specific objective classification systems is presented.  Following an executive summary are six chapters: introduction; classification issues for women offenders--the literature; NIC Prisons Division--womens classification initiatives (e.g., National Assessment of Current Practices for Classifying Women Offenders and Working With Correc... Read More
    81 p.
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    Gender-Responsive Strategies: Research, Practice, and Guiding Principles for Women Offenders
    By Bloom, Barbara; Owen, Barbara; Covington, Stephanie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Guidance for those individuals "seeking to more effectively respond to the behavior and circumstances of the female offender" is offered (p. iv). An executive summary and the following four chapters comprise this manual: characteristics of women in the criminal justice system -- a descriptive summary; women offenders and criminal justice practice; the context of women's lives -- a multidisciplinary review of research and theory; and a new vision -- guiding principles for a gender-responsive cri... Read More
    133 p.
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    Sexual Misconduct in Prisons: Law, Remedies, and Incidence
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Changes since 1996 in state laws and agency policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct are reported. Sexual misconduct is defined as "sexual behavior, contact, or relationships between correctional staff and inmates/offenders" (p. 1). Sections cover: an introduction; legislative actions; litigation; agency strategies for addressing staff sexual misconduct such as policies, training, investigation processes, and apprising inmates of sexual misconduct issues; incidence and outcomes of sex... Read More
    12 p.
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    Sentencing Women Offenders: A Training Curriculum for Judges [Lesson Plans]
    By Cicero, June H.; DeCostanzo, Elaine T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Association of Women Judges (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Intervention effectiveness can be improved by understanding how women respond to sanctions. This 6-hour course addressed sentencing practices in relation to female offenders through the following modules: why focus on women offenders?; the judicial response to the woman offender; who women offenders are; what works, what is in place, and what do programs in the represented jurisdictions offer?; sanctioning the woman offender; what do we have and what do we need?; and wrap-up session and evaluati... Read More
    92 p.
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    Addressing the Needs of Women in Mental Illness/Substance Use Disorder Jail Diversion Programs
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY).
    The number of women offenders has increased 273% during the last 15 years. Unfortunately, there has been little done to redesign programs and services to meet the needs of women. An example of a successful program designed for the diversion of female offenders with co-occurring disorders is the Phoenix Project of Wicomico County, Maryland. This pre- and post-booking diversion program provides intensive case management and integrated mental health and substance abuse services on site. Brokered se... Read More
    6 p.
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    Annotated Bibliography of Women Offender Issues, 1996-1999
    LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    This annotated bibliography is comprised of 148 items from 1996 to 1999 concerned with various women offender issues.... Read More
    30 p.
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    Critical Issues in Managing Women Offenders, September 7-12, 1997, Longmont, Colorado: Evaluation Report
    By Adams, Linda. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    An evaluation of the feedback from this training seminar's participants indicates that the program was considered an overall success. Participants and the evaluator give suggestions for possible improvement of future meetings.... Read More
    24 p.
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    Women in Jail: Classification Issues
    By Brennan, Tim; Austin, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The authors examine issues related to classification of female jail inmates by profiling the female inmate population and discussing problems associated with using a single classification system for both male and female inmates or a gender-neutral system. This document also provides guidelines for designing a classification system specifically for women. ... Read More
    23 p.
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    The National GAINS Center for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System: Brochures
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Washington, DC); U.. National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY); Policy Research, Inc. (Delmar, NY).
    Five brochures are included in this document, with titles as follows: Jail Diversion/Creating Alternatives for Persons with Mental Illnesses; Addressing the Specific Needs of Women with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System; Treatment of People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System; The National GAINS Center for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System; and Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System.... Read More
    10 p.
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    Sexual Misconduct in Prisons: Law, Agency Response, and Prevention
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Fifty-three departments of corrections responded to a survey regarding sexual misconduct by correctional staff, defined as sexual interactions between staff and inmates. Responses are summarized and tabulated in areas including: legislation; litigation; DOC policies; agency response to sexual misconduct; staff training; and prevention. ... Read More
    10 p.
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    Community Corrections in America: New Directions and Sounder Investments for Persons with Mental Illness and Codisorders
    By Lurigio, Arthur J., ed.. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Rockville, MD); National Institute of Corrections . National Coalition for Mental and Substance Abuse Health Care in the Justice System (Seattle, WA).
    Fifteen contributors provide ten chapters in this document, titled as follows: 1. The Challenge of Responding to Persons with Mental Illness on Community Corrections Supervision; 2. Persons with Mental Illness on Probation and Parole: The Importance of Information; 3. Offenders with Mental Illness on Probation Supervision; 4. Women in Probation and Parole; 5. Working with Seriously Mentally Ill Substance Abusers; 6. People of Color; 7. Juveniles: The First Frontier; ... Read More
    184 p.
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    Parallel Perceptions: Gender, Job Enrichment and Job Satisfaction Among Correctional Officers in Women's Jails
    By Stohr, Mary K.; Mays, G. Larry; Lovrich, Nicholas P.; Gallegos, Amanda M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The available research, presented in this document, comparing men and women in correctional occupations suggests that they tend to be more alike than different in their job behaviors and in their perceptions of the workplace. An important difference was discovered. Female staff bring more of a social service orientation to their work than do male staff, coinciding with the movement toward a human service model for corrections work.... Read More
    24 p.
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    Women Offender Issues: Annotated Bibliography
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Listing selected documents from the NIC Information Center, this bibliography cites resources in 21 categories: 1. Abuse 2. Alternatives to Incarceration 3. Bibliographies 4. Boot Camps 5. Children of Offenders 6. Classification 7. Death Row 8. Demographies 9. Education 10. Elderly Inmates 11. Facility Design 12. Health Care 13. Legal Issues 14. Mental Health 15. Parity 16. Recidivism 17. Sentencing 18. Sex Offenders 19. Sexual Misconduct 20. Staff Training and 21. Substance Abuse Treatment. ... Read More
    53 p.
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    Profiling the Needs of California's Female Prisoners: A Needs Assessment
    By Owen, Barbara; Bloom, Barbara. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Following a review of the literature on the female offender, this report describes the nature of the population of women in California prisons, the types and extent of program availability, and the gap between program needs and availability. The institutional program survey form and the survey instrument used to profile the needs of California's female prisoners are appended.... Read More
    96 p.
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    Focus Group Results from Three Focus Group Sessions Held at Three Different Academy Division Seminars
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    In 1994, three focus group sessions were held and all discussed the following open-ended question: What are some specific problems of women offenders and how does facility design facilitate or hinder the resolution of those problems? This document reports the results of these discussions, and lists the participants in the various sessions.... Read More
    9 p.
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    Proceedings of a National Forum on Creating Jail Mental Health Services for Tomorrow's Health Care Systems
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC).
    This report on the proceedings of the first national forum on mental health services in jails contains copies of the remarks made by the speakers and summaries of each session of the meeting. The forum resulted from a strong concern about the numbers of mentally ill persons in correctional facilities. Areas of focus included mental health services in San Francisco Sheriff's Department facilities, and special mental health and substance abuse issues for women.... Read More
    75 p.
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    Profiles of Correctional Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Women and Violent Youthful Offenders
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    This document provides brief overviews of substance abuse treatment programs currently serving women and youthful violent offenders. Eleven programs for women are identified, including OPTIONS, WINGS, Forever Free, Marilyn Baker House, Booneville Treatment Center for Women, Dos Pasos Program, and New Image. The two programs described for youthful violent offenders are the Cook County Day Reporting Center and the substance abuse treatment program at the Lee Arrendale Correctional Institution. Pro... Read More
    98 p.
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    Female Offenders in the Community: An Analysis of Innovative Strategies and Programs
    By Austin, James; Bloom, Barbara; Donahue, Trish. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Council on Crime and Delinquency (San Francisco, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This report describes various strategies and programs that appear to provide effective community supervision and/or treatment of female offenders. It describes the results of a national survey of public and private community programs that supervise female offenders. Additionally, the report discusses the pertinent issues, needs, and problems of this population. Along with describing various programs, the report assesses positive aspects of these programs from their objectives through follow-up a... Read More
    82 p.
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    Task Force on Women, Children, and the Criminal Justice System
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Connecticut General Assembly. Task Force on Women, Children, and the Criminal Justice System (Hartford, CT); Connecticut. The Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (Hartford, CT).
    The Task Force was established in 1987 to examine issues surrounding female offenders and their children, and the impact of the justice system from arrest to re-entry into the community. This document includes both an executive summary, and final report and recommendations.... Read More
    90 p.
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    Behavioral Classification for Female Offenders: Research Report
    By Quay, Herbert C.; Love, Craig T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). South Carolina Dept. of Corrections. Division of Classification (Columbia, SC).
    Five patterns of behavior in institutionalized female offenders that are similar to patterns in male offenders are identified. These behavior patterns are aggressive, manipulative, dependent, inadequate, and depressed/anxious. They can be utilized to classify female offenders into behaviorally homogenous subgroups. (p.iv).... Read More
    35 p.
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    Initial Security Classification Guideline for Adult Females
    By Alexander, Jack; Humphrey, Elaine. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). New York State Dept. of Correctional Services (Albany, NY).
    The title of the grant project is "Development of Objective Classification Guidelines for New York State Female Offenders." Contents include the Guideline, Guideline Manual, and the third of three papers documenting the research on which the Guideline is based.... Read More
    65 p.

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