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Given the many challenges we face in this evolving environment, we must work closely with partners both internal and external to the Department. We must develop shared approaches for implementing, maintaining, and securing the capabilities and services that support the full spectrum of operations.

Our work with our mission partners (the Combatant Commanders, the Military Services and Defense Agencies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the intelligence community, and national and coalition partners) is key to developing joint solutions for the Department that enable assured end-to-end service, maximize data sharing and interoperability, and achieve efficiencies and return on investment. DISA is actively partnering with other DoD Components on several high priority initiatives that present opportunities to enhance capabilities and achieve significant efficiencies for DoD. Some of these efforts include progress toward establishment of a Joint Enterprise Network/Joint Information Environment, deployment of Enterprise Email, advancement in support for mobile devices, unification of objectives for information sharing and collaboration for U.S. forces, as well as our coalition and nongovernmental partners, and the refinement of roles and responsibilities in cyber space for the construction, operation, and active defense of our networks. Our partnerships with the Military Services to more efficiently use the Department’s IT resources will also further the Department’s goal of a seamless information environment and accelerate the speed of information to the end-user.

It is also imperative to note that DISA cannot achieve mission success without the support of our industry partners which includes small business, as they are all key contributors in the development, operation, and sustainment of the services and capabilities we provide. DISA must also stay current on IT advancements and industry best practices by reaching out to academia and experts in the commercial private sector to learn how we can better leverage available organizations, resources, and technology to engineer, acquire, deploy, and operate IT solutions. Finally, addressing threats and vulnerabilities of global infrastructures and information systems can only truly be accomplished by leveraging international relationships. We must formulate and execute broad-reaching engagement strategies to clarify mutual needs, break down barriers, and improve outcomes.

Active, substantive, and effective engagement with our stakeholders, users, suppliers, and experts outside the Department is crucial to our ability to evolve our capabilities and services and perform as the provider of choice across DoD. These engagements add value to the efforts in the form of increased situational awareness; insight into better engineering, technical approaches, and solutions; partnerships to increase efficiencies and improved operations; and multilateral collaboration on ways and means to build-out and operate a seamless enterprise infrastructure.