Land & Resources Management

Welcome to the Land and Resources Management page. This page of our website links you to information on forest planning, current projects, resource management, and available geospatial data. Use the links below to visit these sections.


Forest Plan Revision, consider the future of the Sequoia and get involved!

The Sequoia National Forest is one of three national forests in the Pacific Southwest Region of the Forest Service preparing to revise its Forest Plan using the 2012 Planning Rule. The revision process involves three stages: assessment of forest resource condition and trend, development of a revised plan, and monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of plan direction. The assessment phase is underway. A Science Synthesis is expected to be completed in December 2012. Bioregional and forest assessments are expected to be completed by September 2013. We are committed to collaboration and strengthening the role of public involvement and dialogue throughout the plan revision process. The Sequoia National Forest welcomes and invites you to be involved in its collaborative forest plan revision process.

Plan to attend public meetings which are scheduled for February 7 and February 8.

This section contains planning documents that guide how the Sequoia National Forest is managed. Generally, they cover planning at a broad scale, at the forest or landscape (watershed) level. There are links to the Sequoia National Forest Plan Revision process, the Giant Sequoia National Monument Management Plan, and the 1988 Land and Resource Management Plan for the Sequoia National Forest.


Projects are proposed actions analyzed through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process that require public notice and comment, involve analyzing different alternatives to the proposed action (EIS, EA, or CE), and result in a NEPA decision (ROD, DN, or DM). Decisions are subject to an administrative appeals process before they are implemented on the ground.

Find the status of, and information and documents for, current projects in the Sequoia National Forest. Documents for these projects include those for scoping, analysis, decisions, and other supporting documentation as available.

Resource Management

The Forest Service manages the national forests for a number of multiple uses, including recreation, wilderness, minerals, water, grazing, fish, wildlife, and timber. Click on this link for more information on how these resources are managed in the Sequoia National Forest.

Geospatial Data

Find links to download selected geographic information system (GIS) datasets for the Sequoia National Forest and other national forests in the Pacific Southwest Region. The scale at which the GIS data was developed depends upon the subject and type of data. This section also supplies contact information for answers to geospatial data questions.