Federal Aviation Administration

FAA Unapproved Parts Notifications (UPN)

Posted in 2003

Date Posted Subject Number
07/29/2003 DC-10 Aircraft Generator Diodes 1999-00260 (PDF)
06/17/2003 Improper Maintenance of Turbochargers 2001-00274 (PDF)
04/01/2003 T and W Propellers, Inc. - Improper Propeller Maintenance 2003-00142 (PDF)
03/21/2003 Improper Maintenance of Lycoming Engines 2002-00196 (PDF)

Page Last Modified: 04/06/10 14:42 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/safety/programs/sups/upn/2003/