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 Be an Air Traffic Controller!

 Go to The Air Traffic Control Simulator

Air Traffic Control Simulator

  • Computer-based
  • 2-5 airplane problems

Extra! ATC Mobile App Game


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Technical Requirements and Troubleshooting

PC Operating Systems:   Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows 98SE

Browsers:    Internet Explorer v.5.5 or higher or Mozilla Firefox v1.4 or higher

                    Caution:  The Simulator may not work with other browsers such as MSN.

Java: Version 1.4.2 or higher

                    If the Simulator will not open, click here to check your Java version and download a free upgrade.

MAC Operating Systems:  OS-X v10.2 or higher


Browser:  Safari ONLY

Java: If the Simulator will not open, be sure that Java is enabled in your browser
 From the Safari dropdown menu, click “Preferences…”.
          – In the new window, click the “Security” icon.
          – Make sure there is a check in the box “Enable Java”.


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+ NASA Airspace Systems
+ NASA Ames
+ NASA Ames Education
+ NASA Education

Curator: Rebecca Green
NASA Official: Darlene Gross
Last Updated: August 2012
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