Federal Aviation Administration

Change Your License Information - Name, Nationality/Citizenship, Gender, or Date of Birth

Name change

To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a legal name change, it is necessary that you appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. A photocopy of a marriage license, court order, or other valid legal document, which legally verifies the name change, must be presented to an FAA Inspector.

Nationality/citizenship change

To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a nationality/citizenship change, it is necessary that you appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. A naturalization document or other legal document that verifies the nationality/citizenship change must be presented to an FAA Inspector.

Gender change

To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a gender change, it is necessary that you appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. One or both of the following documents must be presented to an FAA Inspector:

  1. A court order issued by a court of the United States or it's territories stating that the applicant has changed his/her gender, and/or
  2. A statement from a physician or clinical psychologist treating the applicant that contains:
    • Identification of the applicant by name and address, and
    • Verification that the applicant is undergoing treatment that has altered or will alter the gender

Date of birth change

To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a date of birth change, it is necessary that you appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. A copy of your birth certificate or other legal document that verifies the date of birth change, must be presented to an FAA Inspector.

Please call an FAA Inspector for an appointment and to obtain further information regarding the reissuance of your airman certificate.

FSDO locations

Flight Attendant Information.

Airmen who hold ONLY a Flight Attendant certificate are not required to visit a Flight Standards District Office to change the above information. They may submit copies of legal documentation (court orders, marriage licenses, passports, birth certificates, etc) directly to the Airmen Certification Branch for a change in a Flight Attendant Certificate.

Page Last Modified: 01/04/08 14:28 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/pilots/lic_cert/change/name_change/