U.S. Department of Justice

Denying Parole at First Eligibility: How Much Public Safety Does It Actually Buy? A Study of Prisoner Release and Recidivism in Michigan

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Sep. 15, 2009

Library ID

  • 023968


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  • 2009
  • 74 pages.

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  • Denying Parole at First Eligibility: How Much Public Safety Does It Actually Buy? A Study of Prisoner Release and Recidivism in Michigan

ANNOTATION: The impact of denying parole at first eligibility date on offender recidivism is examined. This report has these sections: executive summary; framing the question; research overview; significance of crime type; other key factors -- age, prior prison terms, and misconduct; the irrelevance of length of stay -- more time in prison does not increase success; how much does denying parole increase public safety -- very little if any; implications of research; and conclusion. The authors find that if parole had not been denied at the first eligibility date during the study period, the state would have saved nearly $74 million a year.

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