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DISA is an operationally focused Combat Support Agency providing joint and combined warfighting information technology capabilities. The Agency’s priority is to provide a core enterprise infrastructure of networks, computing centers, and enterprise services (Internet-like information services) that connect 4,300 locations reaching 90 nations supporting DoD and national interests. Engineering, acquisition, testing, and contracting functions support the incremental and modular improvements to this infrastructure, as well as day-to-day operations, maintenance, and sustainment. Responsive and effective delivery of information solutions and capabilities is dependent upon a cohesive life cycle management process – covering all aspects of design, engineering, acquisition, implementation, sustainment, and operation.

This tightly coupled integration results in improved interoperability, reliability, availability, expandability, and recoverability of the enterprise infrastructure reducing costs at the same time as capability and capacity are increased. Synchronization of this continuous life cycle and feedback process is key in DISA’s efforts to deliver mission critical capabilities to DoD. We continue to work with our mission partners toward providing these technological improvements, furthering the seamless exchange of information so that anyone who can connect to the network can provide and consume data and services anywhere on the enterprise infrastructure globally.


DISA, a Combat Support Agency, engineers and provides command and control (C2) capabilities and enterprise infrastructure continuously operating and assuring a global net-centric enterprise in direct support to joint warfighter, national level leaders and other mission and coalition partners across the full spectrum of operations.


United States military forces must deploy globally, connect, pull information needed for their missions, and freely exchange information with partners appropriate to mission requirements. The capabilities and services we provide must support the full spectrum of military operations which the United States and its partners face. The user is anyone requiring access to information and information capabilities to accomplish these missions. Working with our mission partners, we will provide the enterprise-level capabilities and services to seamlessly connect users from the tactical edge to the strategic core. We are committed to deliver capabilities and services wherever on the globe the user operates.