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Tim Wojan

Regional Economist

Tim Wojan joined ERS in 1999 and is currently a regional economist in the Farm and Rural Business Branch, Resource and Rural Economics Division. His current research focuses on industrial and human resource development in rural areas, location and impact of the "rural creative class," the impacts of globalization on rural development, and assessing place-based alternatives to rural and agricultural development policy. During a two-year appointment to the OECD (2000 - 2002), Tim coordinated reviews of regional development policy in member countries.

Tim has a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin and a B.A. from Oberlin College.

Selected Publications:

Steininger, K. and T. Wojan.   "Economic Impact of Bioenergy Development: Some Evidence from Europe and the US," Eurochoices 10:3(December 2011):31-37 (DOI): 10.1111/j.1746-692X.2011.00214.x

McGranahan, D., J. Cromartie,  and T. Wojan.   Nonmetropolitan Outmigration Counties: Some Are Poor, Many Are Prosperous, Economic Research Report 107.  Washington, DC: USDA, Economic Research Service (November 2010).

McGranahan, D.A., T.R. Wojan, and D.M. Lambert.  "The Rural Growth Trifecta: Outdoor Amenities, Creative Class and Entrepreneurial Context," Journal of Economic Geography 11:3(May 2010):529-557 (DOI): 10.1093/jeg/lbq007.   

Johnson, T.G., D. Roberts, and T.R. Wojan.   " Model-Based Evaluation of Rural Development Policies," EuroChoices 9:1 (April 2010):30-36

Hill, B. and T.R. Wojan.  " Evaluation of Rural Development," EuroChoices 9:1(April 2010):22-23

Wojan, T.R., D.M. Lambert, and D.A. McGranahan. "Emoting with Their Feet: Bohemian Attraction to Creative Milieu," Journal of Economic Geography 7:6 (November 2007):711-736; Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1093/jeg/lbm029.

McGranahan, D.A. and T.R. Wojan. "The Creative Class: A Key to Rural Growth," Amber Waves 5:2(April 2007):16-21.

McGranahan, D.A. and T.R. Wojan. "Recasting the Creative Class to Examine Growth Processes in Rural and Urban Counties," Regional Studies 41:22(April 2007):197-216.

Wojan, T.R., and D.A. McGranahan. "Ambient Returns: Creative Capital's Contribution to Local Manufacturing Competitiveness," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 36:1(April 2007):133-148.

Wojan, T.R., D.M. Lambert, and D.A. McGranahan. "The Emergence of Artistic Havens: A First Look," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 36:1 (April 2007):53-70.

Gale, H.F., T. Wojan, and J. Olmsted. "Skills, Flexible Manufacturing Technology and Work Organization," Industrial Relations 41(2002):48-79.

Pezzini, M. and T. Wojan. Leveraging Amenities for Rural Development: Direction, Dialogue, and Negotiation in Proceedings: Exploring Options for a New Rural America. Kansas City, MO: Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank, 2001, pp. 121-138.

Wojan, T. and A. Rupasingha. "Crisis as Opportunity: Local Context, Adaptive Agents and the Possibilities of Rural Development," Regional Studies 35(2001):141-152.

Wojan, T. and S. Lackey. "Manufacturing Specialization in the Southeast: Rural Necessity, Rural Possibility or Rural Vestige?" Review of Regional Studies 30(2000):167-188.

Wojan, T. "The Composition of Rural Employment Growth in the 'New Economy,'" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82(2000):594-605.

Wojan, T. "Fragile Virtue: Rural Labor Market Response to a New Competitive Environment," in Peter Schaeffer and Scott Loveridge, eds., Small Town and Rural Development: A Case Studies Approach. Westport, CT:Praeger, 2000.

Wojan, T. "Functional Skill Requirements of Manufacturing Employment in the Rural South." Southern Rural Sociology 15(1999):104-138.

Wojan, T. and A. Maung. "The Debate Over State-Level Inequality: Transparent Method, Rules of Evidence and Empirical Power," The Review of Regional Studies 28(1998):63-80.

Wojan, T. and G. Pulver. "Location Patterns of High Growth Industries within a Functional Classification of Rural Counties," Growth and Change 26(1995):3-22.

Last updated: Monday, July 23, 2012

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