Guidelines for Uniform ROW Plans

1. Fonts

Standard Fonts for Right-of-Way plans are shown in Figure A.

Figure A
Font (FT) Usage
0 (Font 000) Use for file location, date, and time stamp
2 (Vertical) Use for features and conditions that currently exist on the ground
24 (Italic) Use for quantities and instructions for work being constructed under this contract.
7 (font 007) Use for names of National Forests
81 (New Century) Use on title sheet
92 (Swiss) Use on title sheet
95 (Swiss bold) Use on title sheet

2. Lettering Sizes.

Standard lettering sizes are shown in Figure B. Text line spacing (LS) should generally be half of the text size.

Figure B
  US Customary
Plot scale
Plot scale
Standard size Scale 1:200 1:100 1:40 1:2500 1:2000 1:1000
Minimum text size 2 2 1 2 2 1
File location, date and time stamp 4 3 1 4 3 1
Sheet number block 4 3 2 4 3 2
Small text 2 2 1 3 2 1
Normal text size 3 3 2 3 3 2
Large text 6 6 4 6 6 4
Title block text 4 3 2 4 3 2

NOTE: Other scales may be used to comply with the needs of the local agency.

Place text labels with a leader line and filled arrowhead by using the built-in "Place Note" function. Use the filled arrowhead terminator (terminator geometry width equal to 1 and height equal to 0.5) with a size proportionate to the placed text, rather than special custom terminators. This increases drafting speed and maintains uniformity. Use a "Note" for general information that is relevant to the entire sheet. Do not use the term "General Notes". When possible, place Notes on the right hand side of the sheet.

Write numbers with commas separating millions or thousands (i.e. 99,999 rather than 99999 or 99 999).

3. Color

Color Right-of-Way plan and plat sheets should be distributed for plan reviews and clarify complex information on the plan sheets. One set of color plans will normally be distributed to county or state agencies along with three set of black & white plans. For Federal Land Transfers, federal agencies shall receive one color copy of Right-of-Way plans along with three sets of black & white plans. Standard colors to be used for colored plans sheets are shown in Figure C.

Figure C
CADD Color Plotted Color Feature
CO = 0 Black Information not listed below
CO = 1 Blue Water (river, streams, culverts), State land labels (LV = 48)
CO = 2 Green Existing Vegetation (LV = 28), NFSL labels (LV 10)
CO = 3 Red Proposed centerline (LV = 29-32)
CO = 5 Pink Existing Landlines (LV=10), Private Land Owner labels (LV=48)
CO = 6 Orange Bureau of Land Management (BLM) boundary line (LV=10)
BLM labels (LV=48)
Clearing Limits (LV=28)
CO = 63 Lt. Purple Permanent Easement (P/E) (LV = 47)
CO = 79 Purple Proposed R/W (LV = 47), Construction Easement (C/E) (LV = 50)
CO = 140 Brown Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) boundary line (LV=10)
BIA labels (LV = 48)

4. CADD Filenames.

Most Right-of-Way plan sheets are created with references to other files that contain the planimetrics (survey data) and horizontal alignments (design data).

Planimetric files have PLM in the name (plm.row) and horizontal alignments have HA in the name (ha.row). See Figure E.

All other CADD files should have the default extension ROW. The filenames should contain a descriptive reference to the project number as shown in Figure D.

Figure D
  Forest Highway Park, Refuge Road Other
Project Number AK PFH 9-1(5) WY PRA YELL 10(6) MT OMAD 18(33)
State/Park/Program Alaska Yellowstone NP Missile Road
Highway Route 9 10 18
Segment of Route 1 N/A N/A
Project Number 5 6 33
CADD Filename:
R/W Filename AK915J1.row
Planimetrics AK915plm.row
Alignment AK915ha.row
**Sheet File AK915JA - KZ.row

**LA - MZ may be used if additional sheets are necessary.

5. Levels.

Place elements on the levels identified in Figure F.

Figure E
LV Level
CO Color
WT Weight
LC Line Style
FT Font
CST Set by Custom Line Style
Cell Set by Cell
PRW Property & R/W File
ROW Final R/W File
Figure F
10 Land-lines (i.e. property lines, corners, etc) (PRW) 5 1 CST  
11 Labels for land lines (i.e. bearings, corner labels) (PRW) 5 1 CST 2
12 Existing R/W (PRW) 5 1 CST 2
13 Existing Road Centerline (PRW) 0 1 0  
47 Proposed R/W and P/E (permanent easement) (ROW) 79/63 4 CST  
48 Land Owner labels, Parcel numbers (PRW) 1,2,5,6,140 1 0 2
50 C/E (construction easement) (ROW) 79 4 CST  
60 Labels for Proposed R/W (ROW) 0 1 0 24

Note: Prior to adding information to the property file the extension was "PRW", after adding the information it is identified with a "ROW" extension.

6. Stationing.

Do not use "Station" or "Sta" as a prefix to station numbers. Any numbering including a plus sign (for example 2+959 or 30+00) is understood to be a station number.

7. Cell Libraries.

Graphics that are used on a consistent basis such as plan sheet borders, key maps, and symbols are located in the cell libraries section.

The Right-of-Way cell library includes cells necessary to complete Right-of-Way plans for acquisition of private property (11x17) and the cells necessary to complete Right-of-Way plats (8.5x11) for Federal Land Transfers.

8. Sample Right-of-Way Plans and Plats.

Sample Right-of-Way plans and plats are located in the Sample Plans and Plats section.

These Sample Sheets can be utilized to identify fonts, text sizes, colors, filing conventions, and individual cells.

9. Resource Files.

Resource Files are located in the Downloads section.