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Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA's Accident Prevention Program
Safety Idea

Jaw Crusher Platform

Safety Something YOU can live with!
Mine Type: Surface Mines - All - Underground Mines - Metal, Non-Metal and Stone Mills and Plants - Metal, Non-Metal and Stone
Category: Fall Protection and Maintenance

Hazards to miners during crusher maintenance include falling, being caught in moving equipment, and being crushed by components. Jaw Crusher Safety Idea

In one such accident, Metal/NonMetal Fatal #12 for calendar year 2003 a 25-year-old repair crew foreman with 4 ½ years experience was fatally injured at a sand and gravel operation. The victim was positioning a wedge bar to secure the 3100 pound upper liner plate in a stationary jaw crusher when the plate fell, striking the victim. When performing maintenance inside the crusher or replacing crusher liner plates, properly sized working platforms (which run the full width of the jaw die) may be inserted into the jaws to serve two purposes:

Jaw Crusher Safety Idea

1. To restrain the liner from unintended movement.

2. To serve as a safe working surface.

MSHA recommends mine operators consider using such a device during crusher maintenance and always remember to Lock-Out & Tag-Out.

Issued: 06/17/2005
Tag # AP2005-S89659