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Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA's Accident Prevention Program
Safety Idea

Before Working on or Traveling under a Conveyor Belt Stop, De-energize, Lock and Tag, & Block from Motion

Safety Something YOU can live with!
Mine Type: All mines, plants, surface and underground
Category: Belt conveyors and material handling

From 2000 thru 2010, nearly 30 miners have been killed around surface and underground conveyor belts. Over half of these fatalities may have been prevented had miners and mine operators used and practiced the following procedures when working around conveyor belts.

Conveyor Belt Safety Idea
  • STOP Do not work or travel under a conveyor when it is operating, and do not attempt to place your arm or a tool near a roller or other moving part when the belt is on or may start. Remember to STOP and think about the following life saving procedures.
  • De-energize Stop the belt by switching off the power and disconnecting the electrical circuit at the breaker panel or motor control center.
  • Lock and Tag Once the power is disconnected, lock and tag to assure the conveyor belt can not be energized while you're working around it.
  • Block from Motion Accidents have occurred when stored energy moved a stopped conveyor belt and entangled unsuspecting miners. Securing the belt from unintended motion can help assure your safety.
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Issued: 12/23/2010
Tag # AP2010-98976