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Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA's Accident Prevention Program
Miner's Tip

Creating Understanding

Safety Something YOU can live with!
Mine Type: All
Category: Training

With so many new and former miners coming into the mining industry today, we might assume some of the more "experienced" miners know how to do a task safely. We need to remember that some returning miners have been out of the industry for years. There are three easy steps to follow when orienting miners regardless of the amount of experience they have.

Issued: 01/12/2005
Tag # AP2005-91722

MSHA extends a thank you and a tip of the hardhat to
Lone Mountain Processing,
a winner of a limited edition sticker and patch.
If you have a tip you would like to pass on, you can e-mail it to If your Miner's tip is selected, you will receive credit in this space.