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Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA's Accident Prevention Program
Miner's Tip

"Safety Sense" Hazard Awareness Training

Safety Something YOU can live with!
Mine Type: All Mines
Category: Training

Historically, many experienced miners have their first accident working common jobs. Sometimes, as we become comfortable with our work place, we don't recognize obvious hazards. A way to keep our "Safety Sense" sharp is to make hazard awareness training routine.
An Alabama miner suggested an interesting way to do this training. The miner suggested a crew could periodically pick one of its members, regardless of experience, to mentor as a "new" miner for the day. The "new" miner would be closely watched by the other crew members and cautioned about work place hazards. The crew would be having fun, but at the same time, everyone's "Safety Sense" would be sharpened.

Issued: 09/16/2005
Tag # AP2005-89679

MSHA extends a thank you and a tip of the hardhat to
Noble Linn of Jasper, AL
a winner of a limited edition sticker and patch.

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