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Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA's Accident Prevention Program
Miner's Tip

Crew Safety

Safety Something YOU can live with!
Before you start a processing plant, crushing operation, surface conveying system etc., conduct a head count of the crew to make sure no one has put themselves in harm's way. This procedure should be used in addition to the existing alarm systems. If you use a radio to contact your crew make sure you get a response to be sure they have been informed. Remember, "Communication must be two-way or it isn't communication" (see Miner's Tip "Positive Communications").

This safety tip was passed along by a crusher operator from Idaho who has adopted this procedure.

Issued: 08/06/2004
Tag # AP2004-M110

MSHA extends a thank you and a tip of the hardhat to
Larry L. Hollibaugh of Athol, Idaho,,
a winner of a limited edition sticker and patch.

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