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Old Hickory Lock and Dam Project

FACT SHEET (As of August 2012)

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Logo

Old Hickory Lock and Dam Project



(As of August 2012)

AUTHORIZATION: Rivers and Harbors Act of 1946 (PL 79-526)

TYPE OF PROJECT: Old Hickory Lock and Dam Project is a “run-of-the-river,” multi-purpose project that provides hydroelectric power, navigation, environmental stewardship and recreation with minimal annual pool fluctuation.

LOCATION: Old Hickory Lock and Dam, located on the Cumberland River at mile 216.2 in Sumner and Davidson Counties, Tennessee, is approximately 25 miles upstream from Nashville, Tennessee. Old Hickory is a multi-purpose projects designed for flood risk management, navigation, and hydropower.

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Cooper (TN-5), Black (TN-6), Corker (TN), Alexander (TN)



·   Construction of the Old Hickory Lock and Dam Project began in January of 1952.

·   Construction of the dam closure was completed and the lake was impounded in 1954.

·   Old Hickory Lock was opened to navigation in June of 1954.

·   The project was completed for full beneficial use in December of 1957 with the placement of the final hydroelectric power unit.



·   The lake extends 97.3 river miles from the dam to Cordell Hull Lock and Dam at Carthage, Tennessee and it has 440 miles of shoreline.

·   At normal pool elevation, which is 445 feet above mean sea level, the lake has 22,500 surface acres of water.

·    At maximum pool elevation, which is 450 feet above mean sea level, the lake increases to 27,450 surface acres of water.

·   The entire project encompasses a total of 25,802 acres of fee property, 3,653 acres of flowage easement land and 4,700 acres of riverbed.

·   Old Hickory Lake is ranked in the top five of the 25 most visited Corps lakes nationwide.

·   In fiscal year 2011, 9.3 million visitors recreated in and on Old Hickory Lake Project lands and water with a recreation economic impact of $172.2 million.

·   There are eight marinas, three private clubs and two group camps on Old Hickory Lake.

·   There are 12 Corps operated recreation areas (including two campgrounds), eight non-Corps operated recreation areas and 22 launching access points on Old Hickory Lake.

·   To ensure the proper long-range management of public resources, Old Hickory Lake has implemented a shoreline management plan that allocates the shoreline to the following: Prohibited Access Areas, Public Recreation Areas, Protected Shoreline Areas, and Limited Development Areas.

·   To learn more about Old Hickory Lake’s Shoreline Management Plan contact the Resource Manager’s Office at (615) 822-4846 or (615) 847-2395.


·   3,750 feet long and 98 feet high, Old Hickory Dam consists of a concrete-gravity power plant and spillway section and a rolled earth embankment. 

·   The 355 foot spillway section consists of six tainter gates with a capable discharge capacity of 236,000 cubic feet per second.

·   Each tainter gate is 41.5 feet wide by 45 feet tall and weighs 172,000 pounds.

·   Four power generating units are housed in the power house section of the dam.  Each unit is capable of producing 25 mega-watts.

·   The estimated average annual energy output is 880,439,923 kilowatt-hours. This production is enough to power an estimated 36,000 homes annually.


·   Old Hickory Lock is one of four locks located along the 300 plus navigable miles in the Cumberland River Basin.

·   The single chamber Old Hickory Lock structure is 84 feet wide by 400 feet long with a normal lift of 60 feet.

·   The chamber requires 14,515,200 gallons of water per lockage.

·   The minimum fill time for the lock chamber (at normal reservoir pool evaluation) is 12.6 minutes.

·   It takes approximately two hours for a commercial tugboat with a four barge tow and 30 minutes for a pleasure craft to lock through.



BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs are shown below.



Federal Funds Data


     Allocation for FY 2012


     President’s Budget for FY 2013





For more information regarding the Old Hickory Lock and Dam Project, contact Tony H. Bivens, Operations Project Manager, CELRN-OP-NAS/A, phone: (615) 847-0131, or email


Army Corps Corps of Engineers Fact Sheet Hendersonville Nashville District Old Hickory Old Hickory Dam Old Hickory Lock Old Hickory Lock and Dam Project Tennessee USACE