UPL Frequently Asked Questions

Drug Testing

Q. What is the maximum time for specimens in temporary storage?
There is no specified time limit that a sample has to reach the testing laboratory and there is no specified time
limit on how long the samples can be stored. Our guidance is to send samples to the lab as soon as possible in
order to maintain the integrity and stability of the sample. The most important thing is that the chain of custody
appropriately reflects the collection date, time the sample was placed in and removed from temporary storage, and
ship date to the lab. It is important that the samples remain in temporary storage under strict chain of custody
the entire time they are waiting to be shipped. The Commander needs to understand, however, that the metabolites
that are tested for by our labs degrade over time, especially in extreme temperatures. Therefore, these specimens
may all test negative due to metabolite degradation.

Q. What has changed with regard to Unit Sweeps? Why?
Unit Inspection (IU) testing, or unit sweeps, can be conducted on any individually identifiable element. Battalion
commanders should conduct periodic unit sweeps. The most effective programs use IU testing in addition to and
supplementary to a good random drug testing program. IU testing will not be used as a means of testing a Soldier
the commander suspects of abusing drugs but does not have sufficient probable cause to conduct a PO collection. The
battalion commander should ensure that the number of specimens collected under the IU test basis is no more than 75
percent of the number of Inspection random (IR) specimens submitted for testing annually.

UPL Certification / Deployment

Q. When does the 18 month certification for Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs) take effect?
If a UPL receives their certification after 2 February 2009 (the publication date for AR 600-85), the installation
ASAP staff can certify that Soldier for up to 18 month before he or she requires recertification. For any UPLs who
were current and certified on 14 January 2009, the installation ADCOs are authorized to extend that Soldiers
certification by 6 months, up to the new 18 month period. However, if a Soldier's certification had lapsed prior
to 14 January, his or her certification cannot be extended. This 18 month certification period does NOT pertain to
Soldier certified via the online program; online certification is valid for 12 months or until the Soldier redeploys
to home station.

Q. What is DTP Lite?
DTP is the Army’s Drug Testing Program software which automatically creates a selection of Soldiers and produces
all of the required documentation for you to print. While the Lite version of DTP does not require administrative
rights or permissions to use on the computer, it also lacks some of the features of the full version.

Q. How can I get DTP Lite?
You can download DTP Lite from the ACSAP Web site (www.acsap.army.mil) or from the UPL Certification Training
Resources CD-ROM.

Q. I cannot import my roster into the DTP.
If you have Office 2007, you may have to save your file using version 97/2003; DTP lite does not work well with
the upgrade. Make sure your roster does not have an empty row between the header and the Soldier information.
Make sure you only have one active record (tab) in your Excel spreadsheet. Make sure the SSN is formatted correctly.

Q. I cannot install the full version of the DTP onto my workstation.
You must have administrative rights to load the full version of the DTP, or to upgrade the existing DTP, on a
workstation. So, you will need to contact your local IMO/S6 of assistance. Once the DTP is loaded, you will need
to have 'full access control' of the C:\Program Files\DOD Drug Testing Program folder and its subfolders. Open
Windows Explorer, right-click on the DTP folder shown above, select 'Properties', and then select the 'Security'
tab. Click once on the 'Users' group in the upper window, and click the 'Full Control' box in the Allow column.
Then click the Ok button. Now all users on this workstation will be able to sign into and use the DTP. The reason
you need the full access controlis that the DTP database tables are 'encrypted at rest'. The first thing the
program does when you log in is extract the tables and write them to the DOD DTP & DATA folders there on the 'C'

Q. I am locked out of the DTP, how can I gain access?
If you are in garrison, you will need to contact your local Army Substance Abuse Program office for support. If
you are deployed you can send an e-mail to the Drug Testing Branch for assistance.

Q. What forms can I print from DTP Lite?
DD Form 2624
Unit Urinalysis Ledger (Testing Register)
Testing Rosters
Specimen bottle labels
Consult the UPL Handbook for details on how to complete and print forms using DTP Lite.

Q. What are acceptable selection methods when I cannot access a computer to use DTP for my random selection?
Ten-sided die
Numbers in a hat
Index cards
Consult the UPL Handbook for details on how to implement these methods.

Q. How do I find out what my Base Area Code (BAC) is?
You can go to the ACSAP Web site, contact your BAC Manager if deployed, contact your ADCO or DTC, or contact ACSAP
by e-mail at biochem@conus.army.mil

Q. How do I know what information goes into Block 1 and Block 2 of the DD Form 2624?
Block 1 contains your Unit name, mailing address, Commander’s name and e-mail or telephone number. Block 2 contains
your BACM if deployed, or ASAP address for non-deployed Units.

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Date created: 3/4/2011 5:17:21 PM
Date last updated: 6/21/2012 11:24:06 AM