Neutron Imaging at SNS Workshop (NI@SNS 2008)
November 3, 2008 • Building 8600, Central Laboratory & Office Building • Oak Ridge, TN 37831



There is no registration fee for this event, but advance registration (by October 13, 2008) is required to attend this meeting at ORNL. 

Click here to register; you will be asked for your full name (as included on the photo identification you will bring with you), your place and date of birth, and your citizenship, and other contact information.  Due to U.S. Department of Energy requirements, requests from Foreign Nationals with a citizenship from, a birthplace of, or sponsored or employed by a country that is a state sponsor of terrorism cannot be processed for access to this event.  

Countries that are State Sponsors of Terrorism (defined by the U.S. Department of State).

Important dates:

Registration deadline for non U.S. citizens: October 12, 2008
Registration deadline for U.S. citizens:  October 19, 2008
Hotel registration:  October 12, 2008

