Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime

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Listen to My Story: Communicating With Victims of Crime Video Preview Transcript

[Opening: The title "Listen to My Story: Communicating With Victims of Crime" appears above a pair of eyes; slide montage begins and slides read as follows: "Help Victims Regain Control" above two sets of clasping hands, "Listen with Compassion" below a woman’s face, "Understand the Impact of Trauma" above a couple holding each other closely, "Need to Build Trust" below one person hugging another, "Be Aware of Communication Barriers" above a child’s drawing of two faces labeled "Alegre?" and "Enojado?" Montage fades to black and then to female speaker.]

Female speaking to the camera: Over the past two decades, a number of studies have identified three factors that affect victim satisfaction and victim reconstruction of their lives following a crime; acknowledgment, respect, and information. These factors can validate victims’ experiences and help them regain control.

[video ends… The title "Listen to My Story: Communicating With Victims of Crime" appears above a pair of eyes, then text on black screen]
Office for Victims of Crime
"Putting Victims First"

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