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In LEED 01.4.2013

LEED Addenda and Interpretations Update

The January 1st quarterly addenda to the LEED 2009 reference guides and latest LEED Interpretations are now available. The fastest way to see all changes is to search by 1/1/2013 in the database. Search for entries This quarter, we published 16 new Interpretations (#10259- 10274). Highlights include: Allowance for EB Residential projects with non-master metered units to collect a statistically significant sample of utility data from the residential unit space Clarification that the LEED...

In Advocacy and policy 12.20.2012
Photo credit: Glyn Lowe Photoworks via Flickr

President Sends Consumers, Taxpayers a Stocking Stuffer by Signing Energy Efficiency Bill

On Tuesday, President Obama signed into law H.R. 6582, the American Energy Manufacturing Technical Corrections Act. The bill garnered broad support: a 398-2 vote in the House of Representatives and a unanimous consent vote in the Senate. The bill is a potpourri of different provisions from other proposed legislation this year, including S. 1000, a comprehensive energy efficiency bill; S. 398, a proposal to implement appliance standards; and a host of other bills. H.R. 6582 reflects the...

In Advocacy and policy 12.18.2012

Senator Inouye’s Legacy Calls for Continued Commitment to the Environment

Advancing research on undersea alternative energy sources, promoting renewable energy generation, supporting habitat conservation and the protection of endangered species and vulnerable ecosystems—this is just a short list of some of the seminal environmental efforts and policies that Senator Daniel K. Inouye’s supported over his 58 years of distinguished public service. All of us from Hawaii and all across the nation are deeply saddened by his passing yesterday. He led a remarkable life, ever...

In LEED 12.14.2012
A building on the KAPSARC campus. Photo credit: HOK

With End of Oil in Sight, Saudi Arabia’s LEED Community is Vision of Sustainable Future

Given the recent revelations that Saudi Arabia may be running out of oil, and that the U.S. is poised to surpass the kingdom as an oil producer, it is no surprise that the kingdom is looking at ways to diversify its economy and its energy future. In 2006, the kingdom asked HOK to design the ambitious 5.5-million-square-foot King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to provide the kingdom’s first nondenominational, coeducational university as a hub for international researchers...

In Community 12.26.2012

Snapshot: The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in 2012

Our mission: To transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. There are many exciting events coming in 2013. Get involved by becoming a member, and stay connected to the latest happenings via Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

In Greenbuild 12.19.2012

Let's all commit to building a better nation & a better world.

Watch USGBC CEO Rick Fedrizzi's Greenbuild 2012 keynote speech.

In LEED 12.17.2012
1101 17th St. NW, part of Vornado Realty Trust's Washington, D.C., portfolio.

Across a Portfolio, Vornado Takes LEED to a New Level

Vornado Realty Trust, one of the largest owners and managers of commercial real estate in the United States, recently achieved LEED certification at 30 properties in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan region. Through USGBC’s LEED Volume Program and the LEED for Existing Buildings rating system, Vornado’s Washington division showcased tremendous leadership, strengthening its existing sustainability programs and developing new companywide initiatives that move the needle for an entire commercial...

In Greenbuild 12.13.2012

Infographic: Greenbuild 2012

In Advocacy and policy 12.20.2012
Utility crews at work in Seaside Heights, N.J., after Superstorm Sandy.

Building Resilience: 6 Lessons from Superstorm Sandy

Superstorm Sandy forced many people to abandon the homes, offices, schools, churches and stores in their communities for extended periods of time to seek refuge. This extreme event placed a heavy burden on those affected and was a test of how well these buildings were designed and operated. The results were mixed. As we reflect on how well our buildings and energy systems met the challenge and how we can do better moving forward, we should consider three overall objectives of building...

In Advocacy and policy 12.19.2012
Sen. John Kerry. Photo credit: cliff1066™ via Flickr

A STRONG Act for a Stronger America

Most pieces of legislation start with a series of customary “findings.” But the findings section of the Strengthening The Resiliency of Our Nation on the Ground (STRONG) Act of 2012 reads like a biblical warning. It points out that: • There have been 130 separate billion-dollar-plus disasters in the U.S. in the past 30 years (14 in 2011 alone). • Hurricane Sandy led to more than 100 deaths and is projected to have caused more than $50 billion in damages, affecting more...

In LEED 12.17.2012

Green School Facts

FACT: LEED-certified schools are designed to save energy, water and money. The operations and maintenance of a building are critical components to ensuring ongoing building performance. Whether it’s a school, a data center or an office building, proper operation and maintenance of any green building is critical to ensure ongoing, long-term LEED performance. While design and construction was originally the focus of LEED when it came to market in 2000, it quickly expanded its scope to cover...

In Advocacy and policy 12.13.2012
Photo credit: TexasGOPVote via Flickr

Senate Committee Hears Recommendations on Future of Efficiency Tax Incentives

As Congress and the White House continue to negotiate over long-term revenue and spending items, the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure held a hearing Dec. 12 to survey stakeholder feedback on current energy efficiency tax deductions and credits and what changes could improve the tax code in this area. Featured in the series of reform recommendations were updates to the 179(d) commercial building tax deduction included in S. 3591, the Commercial Building...

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The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings.

USGBC works toward its mission of market transformation through its LEED green building program, robust educational offerings, a nationwide network of chapters and affiliates, the annual Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, and advocacy in support of public policy that encourages and enables green buildings and communities.

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